What DDR 4 should I get


Apr 13, 2006
Like the title states I am looking at upgrading when Ryzen comes out, either Intel or AMD and I was wondering what is one of the better 16 GB kits out there? I prefer a 8 GB per stick as well. Figured I ask you guys since there seems to be quite a few choices out there. I appreciate any ideas you guys have.
I dont have a motherboard yet since I am waiting on the Zen release. I was more of less looking for suggestions on what people thought was a good ddr4 memory kit.
Well the first part is knowing the board.. before then eyeball reviews on sites like new egg and amazon. Keep those in mind.. then check the board specs and then start looking at what you found. Easy peasy.
I think you should wait till at least the NDA is lifted to see what RAM best works with Zen. We are likely still several months away from availability.
Looks at the MB memory recommendation when launched - Memory is one area where you can have an utter crap system due to choice. Also once some time has elapsed you can use memory reviews like at Newegg as well as the MB reviews to see what memory works the best. Also reviews should exposed which memory do not work or ones that work exceedingly well. To buy now is probably not in your best interest.
The above info is wise.
When Skylake emerged there wasnt a lot of choice, I didnt get the mobo or ram I wanted, the ram wasnt on the mobos compatibilty list.
Turns out my mobo hated the ram and struggled to get near to its rated speed. Later bios updates didnt sort it.
2 boards later I am on a board that is compatible with the ram and I now get a healthy overclock.

Wait for your motherboards compatibility list at minimum.
Sounds good, thanks for the advice. Guess I am just excited to look at building a new system, been running my 8350 for far longer then I thought I would.