What card for XP2100+?


Apr 23, 2002
What videocard would be the best for my system? Would a 6600GT be overkill with just a XP2100+ and 512MB?
i'd say pick up a 9800PRO used an another stick of 512mb ram , that would do much better than just a Video card upgrade
Are you doing any overclocking? Moreso, what do you want to do with it? What games would you like to play?

A 6600GT is a pretty speedy card compared to your 8500, for sure.

Even with a 6600GT, your CPU will most likely be a large bottleneck in many games. You'd still see drastic improvements over your 8500. I used to have a 2400+ and I hardly noticed any difference between a 9700pro and a 6800NU.

Maybe consider trying to get the clock on your CPU up a bit higher or looking into some cheap upgrades for that (I see 2500+ bartons go very often on these forums for as low at $50) to go along with your new card.

BTW I use a 6600GT card and I really like it. It was friendly to my wallet and it runs everything I throw at it with acceptable framerates. I have the eVGA PCI-x16 version (500/1000), the AGP is clocked a wee bit lower by default.
I would like to play all of the current fps's.

I think my best bet would be to get the 9800pro and another stick of ram, because if I got a better proc I would need to get new ram (this stick only does 155 stable). I should have gotten the pc2700 ram back in the day! :mad:

Whats a good price for a used 9800pro?
mitsuhide said:
6600 DDR2 is the best choice
Hmmm, thats not an agp card. And even if it was, its overpriced IMO. for $10-20 more get the 6600gt.

I would say any of these will suit you fine: USED 9800pro, x700, 6600gt, x1600pro. Overclocking that cpu a little will probably help a lot with these video cards in newer games.
Yes, overclocking the 2100+ helps a lot. In fact, my chip is same as yours. I just increase the FSB to 166 and the BIOS automatically recognizes it as an 2700+ 333fsb CPU. Runs at 2.18ghz nicely. For a video card, my 6800 is a big bottleneck, but hey, it runs fine for me. My card's 16 piped too. A 6600GT by eVGA would be sweet.
When my 6600GT moved frmo my AXP2000 to my A643200 the boost was HUGE. I'm talking almost 100% difference in D3 Timedemo and a huge leap in minimum framerates in nearly everything.

Hell, my buddy with an OC'ed AXP3200 was getting very similar 3dmarks and Doom3 timedemo scores with his non Oc'ed 6800gt as I was getting on my non OC'ed 3200 winny and OC'ed to hell 6600gt.

I'd say pick up a 6600 or 6600gt...my friend is running a 2200+ with a 6600gt and enjoys most of the new FPSs (admittedly at lower than max IQ). The 9800pro idea is also an option.

Also, as was mentioned earlier, another 512 is a good idea, and it can be had for ~30-40 bucks.
I have a never-overclocked ATi Radeon 9700 Pro if you wanted it. I'm selling it for ultra cheap too, wayyy under $100. Pretty good card in my opinion.
I've tried overclocking and either the mobo or cpu doesn't like it above 135, so i'm screwed on that aspect.

How much for the 9700pro?
Dunno, some guy offered me 60 shipped. So if you wanna beat that, be my guest and its yours! You just need to wait till mid-next-week when my other card arrives, if that's OK.

I still have the origional box for the 9700 pro... i'm such a pack-rat :)