What can this computer handle


Limp Gawd
Sep 27, 2003
Hi all

I have 2 old computers just lying around in my basement doing nothing, and I was wondering if any of you had any suggestions as to what I can do with them.

Computer 1

750mhz AMD T-bird
256mb sd133 ram (i think, but it might also be a slow flavour of DDR)
32mb TNT2 (i think)
20gb hd
SB Live Value 5.1
Windows 98 (can easily be formatted to another OS)

Computer 2: around 200mhz old HP Pavilion, 6gb HD I believe, running Windows 95

I'm thinking about either just getting them folding, or making the 750 in an encoding box. Also thinking of making 1 of the computers into a Linux box (completely new to linux, so if anybody knows a good free distro please post it here)

Any suggestions welcome though (also open to upgrading the computers a bit if it'll give me more options). Thanks in advance
the best thing to do with old computers is to use them as servers for files, backups, ect... i buy old machines off friends and stuff, put text-only debian on them with samba for windows filesharing and i basically never touch them after that. if you do choose to do that you should install SSH (secure shell) server. that way you can access it from anywhere and do anything as if you were in front of it, that way you also dont need a K+B for it as well.
Your HP would be a really nice paper weight, or even a good door stopper.

The 750Mhz AMD still has a few good ones left in him. Upgrade the RAM and video card, throw XP on there and its a workable PC. You could run Photoshop no problem. Some of the more none graphic games. Like I know I can run Warcraft III on my 550Mhz HP Pavilion, and it runs pretty good. Marcomeida Flash, can run on a old 486 with 8 megs of RAM, so you could run that NP, that is if you into to that. Word processing no problem. But don't expect to Run something like UT2K4, DOOM III, or even BF:V

You set that up, it would a computer to use for surfing the web, and doing real basic stuff.
Set the 750 up as a server, maybe the HP as a firewall, or a box to learn linux on.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll look into each of those possibilities a bit more and see how it goes.