What are you nerds playing this weekend?

nioh, should finish ng++ tonight, I think etherials start dropping in ng+++. Lots of people like to compare to dark souls but the endgame in nioh is much better
Friends roped me into CoD MW a lot lately, mostly Warzone. Haven't played CoD since Black Ops 1 or MW3, can't remember which came out later, but it's pretty fun. I'm really glad for cross-play on it so I can stay on PC while they play on consoles.

I just beat Metro 2033 and Last light within the last month or so now too and started Exodus, which has been awesome so far, but I'm only a couple hours into it now.
Mostly RDR2 for PC
A little bit of doom eternal
VERY small amount of destiny 2
How does Red Dead Redemtion 2 compare to Witcher 3?

Like you, I don't really enjoy the GTA games, but I really loved Witcher 3 and Shadow of the Tomb Raider.

I'd say it's closer to GTA games in most respects than Witcher 3. That's not to say some of the game is not similar to W3. Running back and forth on your horse feels similar between NCPs (apart from the GTA bumper car feel); eating food and goods to restore small health and stamina seems somewhat similar.

Again, I loved Witcher 3 and TR, but after 10 hours of play time now, RDR2 is not really my bag. I guess I really hate like the GTA-like mechanics -- dopey, clumsy, overwrought. It's like they tried to make movement and reactions more realistic, but in doing so just made the game an exercise in aggravation. It sure is pretty though, and the dialogue and VA is top notch.

I'm still on Greedfall, and if you liked OG Dragon Age, it'll scratch an itch. It's a bit slow and drudgery after hours of play, and obviously a fraction of the polish and production of a game like RDR2 (although you can tell Spiders really put their hearts into it), but it's a great game to do a quest or two and pick up later. I wouldn't really put it in the Eurojank category since there've been bigger budget games trying to do the same thing as Greedfall that have more rough edges and have failed, and the game seems very bug free. Maybe Franco-jank?? Very long game as well if you do most of the side quests. Well worth the $20 I paid for it on a deal.
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Beat far cry 4 and was going thru my huge list of games and decided on deus ex human revolution lol pretty much half way thru. Was kinda hard to get into it bc of the graphics but it's a cool game to play before cyber punk hits. Really like how you can look around corners in 3rd person really helps to fight multiple enemies vs being only in 1st person view. I hope cp2077 has some really cool features!
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How is that? I haven't really played any multiplayer since over watch....might give it a try this weekend! Has anyone played blasphemous or sekiro? The latter is currently on sale at steam

I've been playing this for the past month since it released. It's been fun on PC and PS4. I would say so far best game of the year for me personally. Try it out, it's free so you're not wasting anything but time.
Got a beta key for Valerant so i am going to put a few hours into that with some buddies of mine and see what all the fuss is about.

other then that just got my new atmos setup finished so time to watch some old favourites and tinker some more
Beat far cry 4 and was going thru my huge list of games and decided on deus ex human revolution lol pretty much half way thru. Was kinda hard to get into it bc of the graphics but it's a cool game to play before cyber punk hits. Really like how you can look around corners in 3rd person really helps to fight multiple enemies vs being only in 1st person view. I hope cp2077 has some really cool features!

If you like Human Revolution, you'll also like Mankind Divided. I've seen in for around $5 lately which is criminally inexpensive for a game as good.
I"m going to try getting into Divinity: Original Sin 2 again. I didn't even make it off of the ship you start on since the dialogue was too much. I am going to see if I can enjoy the game in spite of it.
I started playing Final Fantasy 7 last night absolutely amazing, I’ve also been playing animal Crossing
What does everyone think of sekiro die twice? The reviews seem really good and it's in sale 35%off
What does everyone think of sekiro die twice? The reviews seem really good and it's in sale 35%off

Hard game but if you know how to rage and deflect it's good. Nioh 2 is the flavor of the month if you have access to a PS4. Code Vein is also good.
Happy Easter!

FO76, gonna try the new stuff that comes out the 14th so just messing around a bit...

Fallout 76 Screenshot 2020.04.12 -
I pretty much dropped everything because Hollow Knight pulled me in so hard. Luckily I started it on the Switch, so I can feed my addiction anywhere in the house :D

I pretty much have the entire map opened, all transportation options open, Godhome accessible, several of the fights completed, etc. Just can’t stop playing this game.

Funny, the games that take me a few false-starts to get going usually end up pulling me in like no other. (The original System Shock was like that for me, and I still play it every other year or so :D )
Gonna finally finish Rise of the Tomb Raider. Then I might dust off the PS3 and finally graduate out of karts on GT5.
I pretty much dropped everything because Hollow Knight pulled me in so hard. Luckily I started it on the Switch, so I can feed my addiction anywhere in the house :D

I pretty much have the entire map opened, all transportation options open, Godhome accessible, several of the fights completed, etc. Just can’t stop playing this game.

Funny, the games that take me a few false-starts to get going usually end up pulling me in like no other. (The original System Shock was like that for me, and I still play it every other year or so :D )

I never did finish Hollow Knight. I played quite a bit of it but it started getting beyond my skill level/patience level. I really enjoyed it though.
I pretty much dropped everything because Hollow Knight pulled me in so hard. Luckily I started it on the Switch, so I can feed my addiction anywhere in the house :D

I pretty much have the entire map opened, all transportation options open, Godhome accessible, several of the fights completed, etc. Just can’t stop playing this game.

Funny, the games that take me a few false-starts to get going usually end up pulling me in like no other. (The original System Shock was like that for me, and I still play it every other year or so :D )
How'd you never get lost and quit? ? Lol this happened to me a few times in hk, mgsv,and Witcher so I end up quitting!
How'd you never get lost and quit? ? Lol this happened to me a few times in hk, mgsv,and Witcher so I end up quitting!

As with many games if the style, the longer you play the more familiar you get with the maps. I can pretty much get back to any location by memory now with sone exceptions (but then there is the map for those cases.) I think you really have to enjoy the exploration and backtracking with new skills aspect to really get into these games.

That said, Hollow Knight specifically seems to be HUGE in comparison to even some of the larger mets and vans out there, so if you’re not really into that aspect, I could see it detracting from the game a bit for some people. Some of the boss fights are bordering in the ridiculous which is the part that I’ve had to step up to the challenge on, because I’m less into boss fights and more into the rest of games. (Which is funny because all the games I play these days revolve around huge boss fights :D )
Yeah not sure what it is...I tried to pick up Zelda wind waker again after about 50%in. I got to the triforce shard map part and just quit I just got really bored running around the map..I jus feel like open world games you spend way to much time just running around an empty world...another issue I had with hollow knight is the world looks very similar all over. Exploration games I like to be very different in areas like super Metroid. All the areas are very different looking with different enemies in each area..I guess I just need to cone across a game I'm really enjoying bc my library is so huge no time to waste on stuff I'm not enjoying
Yeah not sure what it is...I tried to pick up Zelda wind waker again after about 50%in. I got to the triforce shard map part and just quit I just got really bored running around the map..I jus feel like open world games you spend way to much time just running around an empty world...another issue I had with hollow knight is the world looks very similar all over. Exploration games I like to be very different in areas like super Metroid. All the areas are very different looking with different enemies in each area..I guess I just need to cone across a game I'm really enjoying bc my library is so huge no time to waste on stuff I'm not enjoying

If you get in far enough, the areas really start to distinguish themselves from each other. The Hive is one good example or maybe Godhome. There is a lot of walking though :). That gets better when you get upgraded dashes, jumps, etc. though. I think I have maybe 45 hours on it now :D
Jerk that's pretty insane 45 hrs? ! That would take me about a month to get thru playing consistently lol. Honestly I like games being in the 10- 15 hr range anything more gets thrown in back burner unless it's really good. I'd really like to get thru Witcher 3,mgsv and hollow knight but I guess I gotta get into them first
Completed Bloodborne for the first time, 10/10 masterpiece but everyone knows this already. The game does have a couple minor issues (eg. the lock on system can be a bit wonky occasionally), but they don't detract from the outstanding achievement in gameplay and game design this title is. A decade ago bought a PS3 just to play Demon's Souls, and now bought a PS4 just to play Bloodborne. No regrets.

Though I took two weapons to +10 I decided to complete the whole game using the starter axe/pistol, killed all the bosses except the Moon Presence as this was pretty much a blind playthrough**, so I only had acquired 2 umbilical cords at the end. Lost the third due to the killer NPC and never entered the old workshop.

Looking back at the game now, you can see why they put the mandatory Father Gascoigne fight near the start of the game. Forces players to ditch their passive style of gameplay (esp if they had the Souls 'turtle behind a shield' mindset) and encourages the player to learn how to play aggressively with parries and an offensive style of fighting. He's both a litmust test and a tutorial, learn how to beat him and you have learned what it takes to complete the game.

Will replay it again sometime soon, maybe pick up the DLC, though I'd really like to see a PC release. The console version runs at 30fps with occasional frame pacing issues, and the forced chromatic aberration which you can't disable blurs portions of the image at times.

**watched a couple playthroughs 5 years ago when it was released
Jerk that's pretty insane 45 hrs? ! That would take me about a month to get thru playing consistently lol. Honestly I like games being in the 10- 15 hr range anything more gets thrown in back burner unless it's really good. I'd really like to get thru Witcher 3,mgsv and hollow knight but I guess I gotta get into them first

Generally I would agree. 10-20 hours is USUALLY a solid experience for a game for me. However, in the case of something like this, where we're talking masterpiece-level production, and obviously well-thought-out and refined play, I could probably go another 45.

I was worried that I'd never get into this game at all at first. However, since so many people absolutely love it, I kept trying here or there. (and still not getting into it) Once I saw my daughter get far enough past where I had previously quit a couple of times, I decided that I should press on. I'm glad I did. It hasn't gotten old once. Even when I'm farming some geo from some big enemies repeatedly, the combat is very satisfying. Once you get deeper into the game, things get more varied as well, and the some of the upgraded powers just feel incredible to use, especially in larger combat situations.

They don't overdo the platforming to the point where it pisses me off either. The only annoying thing is maybe getting knocked off by an enemy projectile (I'm thinking the little triple-shot flying bug things... :mad: ) I also like many of the characters in the game. Some of them start out as enemies and become friends, some start out professional and then double-cross you. Everything about this game is so intricate. I'm guessing that it took me about 5-10 hours to REALLY start getting pulled into the world. Now at around 50 hours in, I'm still discovering new things. :D

I don't think I'm going to 100% it, but it will be VERY close. Looking forward to Silk Song now too.

I just grabbed Code Vein because I found a good deal on it, so I'd like to start playing that as well. I think between Doom, Hollow Knight and Code Vein, I'll have a good range of play styles to keep me busy for a while.

I usually don't have much time to play, but since I've been working from home for three out of five days a week, I set up a work machine next to the couch, and then play games at the same time. :D
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finished RDR2 story mode on PC last night. The missions/quests whatever got a little repetitive after a while but the story is TOP NOTCH. right in the feels.

Generally I would agree. 10-20 hours is USUALLY a solid experience for a game for me. However, in the case of something like this, where we're talking masterpiece-level production, and obviously well-thought-out and refined play, I could probably go another 45.

I was worried that I'd never get into this game at all at first. However, since so many people absolutely love it, I kept trying here or there. (and still not getting into it) Once I saw my daughter get far enough past where I had previously quit a couple of times, I decided that I should press on. I'm glad I did. It hasn't gotten old once. Even when I'm farming some geo from some big enemies repeatedly, the combat is very satisfying. Once you get deeper into the game, things get more varied as well, and the some of the upgraded powers just feel incredible to use, especially in larger combat situations.

They don't overdo the platforming to the point where it pisses me off either. The only annoying thing is maybe getting knocked off by an enemy projectile (I'm thinking the little triple-shot flying bug things... :mad: ) I also like many of the characters in the game. Some of them start out as enemies and become friends, some start out professional and then double-cross you. Everything about this game is so intricate. I'm guessing that it took me about 5-10 hours to REALLY start getting pulled into the world. Now at around 50 hours in, I'm still discovering new things. :D

I don't think I'm going to 100% it, but it will be VERY close. Looking forward to Silk Song now too.

I just grabbed Code Vein because I found a good deal on it, so I'd like to start playing that as well. I think between Doom, Hollow Knight and Code Vein, I'll have a good range of play styles to keep me busy for a while.

I usually don't have much time to play, but since I've been working from home for three out of five days a week, I set up a work machine next to the couch, and then play games at the same time. :D
I can't believe your daughter showed you up! Lol I don't know of any kids that play these types of games...I hope one day I have a kid that loves the games I do! I just need to figure out how to read the map, and figure out how to get the objectives done so I can progress thru the game instead of going in freaking circles for hrs then get pissed and quit.. The fact that you haven't steered me wrong on all your previous suggestions makes me want to give it another try.
I just started up Witcher 3 today and I'm at the part with that weird botchling thingy lol btw have you played Witcher 3?
I saw on steam that dark souls 3 is on sale for 9 bucks is that worth picking up?
Dark Souls 3 is a pretty solid game. I think the first roadblock boss comes a bit too soon comparatively to the other titles though so it could be difficult to make much progress at all.

The other games have a bit more exploration and getting use to the combat before hitting a skill level roadblock boss in my opinion.

It’s hard to go wrong at that price though, just don’t get discouraged if you get stuck 20 minutes in.
Nolan thanks for the heads up. I've heard alot of great reviews about the game but was waiting for it to drop really low on price. I hardly ever pick up a game at full price bc my backlog is so huge and no point in paying full price when all games drop in price. The only part of ds3 that makes me hesitate is about how difficult the game is and getting roadblocked 20 mins in sounds really bad,I hate when I can't progress in a game..but I've seen the cool bosses, graphics,and world's look realy cool...
20 minutes? I think he meant to say 20 seconds, when you encounter gundyr. DS1 also had a blocker boss at the start, but not quite like this one. anyway, as they say, git gud. One other thing, if he was talking about dancer, and you can encounter her early, best to go the other way, else be prepared for pain.