Went from PC version of FF14 CE to PS4 base version


Limp Gawd
May 21, 2012
I apologize if this has been known or mentioned but I'd like to share anyways. I got FF14 CE when it launched last year on the PC. I stopped playing due to the launch of the PS4 and when FF14 came to the PS4 I was hesitant because I already had it for the PC. But I find myself on my PS4 more so I bought the base version. To my surprise I had access to my PC character and when I created a new one I got all the CE items from the PC version also. Again I'm just venting my excitement lol. Thanks for listening!
Yeah, your Squeenix PlayOnline account is universal, since it fully supports cross-platform play (the service is self-contained and runs outside of the console services). I did the same with FFXI. I originally purchased the PC version, but got the Xbox 360 version later, and I enjoyed it more on the Xbox than the PC. It just seemed to look and run better than it did on the PC at the time.