Welcome Syribo to Team 33


DC Moderator and [H]ard DCOTM x6
Staff member
Jun 15, 2005
I copied this from the "show your mug" thread.

I'm so manly and handsome, I know. No need to tell me!


:p I'm also new to folding.. just started a few days ago (As you can tell by my badge ;)) Keep having a problem (On both my new computer and old one) where every time a WU finishes, F@H closes :( Trying to figure out why still. Anyways, it's nice to be part of this :)

Welcome to the Hardest Team in the World!

Yeah, I agree 100% with the previous posts.

WELOME to the best, most knowlegable, helpful and dedicted folding team on the "Net" (did I mention "best"?). :p

Team 33: Dedicated to kicking Cancer in the nuts/ovaries since 1635!

Yeah, that was back in the day when Folding was done super [H]ard!: With sticks and rocks and such

OH: Since I am a cynic, and a forum hopper since the mid 90's... I will graciously call fake on the pic, and "Nice troll" :rolleyes:

If I am wrong, then thank you for folding. :)
Welcome to the Team!

We need more female folders...there is way too much geek sausage around here :D:p

Welcome aboard the [H]orde express! A member of the fairer sex is a great addition to our diverse team. :cool: :)

Welcome.... hope you enjoy your stay here, and glad to have you folding with us:)


It's good to know we are starting to get some of the other half of the population on the team!

Fold on, fold [H]ard!

Damn, yet another welcome aboard post, so, Welcome Aboard.

Enjoy and fold on;)

Thank you so much everyone! I'm so glad to be part of this, I can't even tell you :) It's such a great cause, and you're all simply amazing to put all of the effort AND money into this! :D

And Shambler, that is indeed my real picture :p If you go to my profile, you can see my MySpace link, click it and you'll see ;)

Thank you so much everyone! I'm so glad to be part of this, I can't even tell you :) It's such a great cause, and you're all simply amazing to put all of the effort AND money into this! :D

And Shambler, that is indeed my real picture :p If you go to my profile, you can see my MySpace link, click it and you'll see ;)

No worries... heck, I consider it proper internet etiquette to call "fake" and "troll" in each and every thread, regardless of topic.

No worries... heck, I consider it proper internet etiquette to call "fake" and "troll" in each and every thread, regardless of topic.


I agree ;) I honestly am one of the people who, on anonymous boards, call out 'no grlz on the internetz lolz'. It just seems like the right thing to say :)

Glad to have you with us. I'm happy you are folding for Team 33!

Sorry to hear about your medical problems. Have they been resolved? You need to update your Myspace blog.

Are you six feet tall, or is that what you are looking for? I don't get to myspace very often. In fact, today was the first time in years.

Hope you get your quad folding with the SMP. Did you change the user name to something more easily digested? (ie., something without the space?)

No worries... heck, I consider it proper internet etiquette to call "fake" and "troll" in each and every thread, regardless of topic.


FAKE!!! your're a troll!!!!! :D

Glad to have you with us. I'm happy you are folding for Team 33!

Sorry to hear about your medical problems. Have they been resolved? You need to update your Myspace blog.

Are you six feet tall, or is that what you are looking for? I don't get to myspace very often. In fact, today was the first time in years.

Hope you get your quad folding with the SMP. Did you change the user name to something more easily digested? (ie., something without the space?)

Many of my medical problems have been resolved :) Aside from the whole thing with my foot and being disabled right now heh. I never use MySpace too much anymore, I just mainly use it to talk with my brother and sister and look at pictures of my nieces and nephew :)

Yeah.. I am 6'1" :) I'm a giant.. always have been.

I tried changing the name to Syribo, but still no go :(
It's nice to be called short by other people.. Makes me not feel so tall :p Well I mean.. for a GIRL I really am a giant :p
It's nice to be called short by other people.. Makes me not feel so tall :p Well I mean.. for a GIRL I really am a giant :p
It's a blessing and a curse. If I had a nickel for every time I hit my head on something...

I'd have alot of nickels. :p
Many of my medical problems have been resolved :) Aside from the whole thing with my foot and being disabled right now heh. I never use MySpace too much anymore, I just mainly use it to talk with my brother and sister and look at pictures of my nieces and nephew :)

Yeah.. I am 6'1" :) I'm a giant.. always have been.

I tried changing the name to Syribo, but still no go :(

That is good news. Glad you are mostly better. ;)

6'1" ??? wow! sweet! I don't know anyone personally who does not like tall ladies.