Weird Problem


Limp Gawd
Jan 9, 2004
On board NIC

For some reason my gf's NIC card only connects to the internet after the computer is on for about a minute or 2. When you try to access the internet you get page cannot be displayed and when you try to get on AIM it cannot connect as well.

However after the computer has been on for about 2 minutes you try to connect again and lets you, like nothing was ever wrong. This happens everytime

its an intel pro/100ve onboard, msi motherboard

what could be the possible explanation?

Wait, so it says something along the lines of "a network cable is unplugged" for 2 minutes then it just magicly plugs its self in. Or it says its connected but just doesnt work?

If it says its connected and just doesnt work: On her computer is she useing a large HOSTS file. If she is you should disable the DNS service so it doesnt cause slowdowns when the computer boots.

Thats about the only thing I could think of right off the top of my head.

Another thing it could be is possibly its takeing her a few moments to get a lease from the DHCP server. Within those 2 minutes does she have an IP address assigned to the NIC?
no thats thing, it says nothing to the effect that a network cable is unplugged its connected just doesn't work for 2 minutes

we're on the school network :-/
i'll check to see if she an ip during the 2 minutes
yes it does have an ip address and it does not change from when it can't sign on and can sign on.

wouldn't disabling the DNS service prevent me from access the internet??

could it be another kind of service?
Being on a college network you are registered with the mac address. But it still needs to go through the schools authentication. Kent State University has the same issues on different parts of thier network.
I think they're talking about disabling the onboard DNS. Windows has its own set of files that provide lookup so that once it gets domain information from the DNS server governing the whole network your on, it doesn't have to keep going back to it. It loads these files at startup. A large hosts file would cause this loadup to be slow, but I think 2 minutes is excessive...Probably it's just the authentication procedure.