Weird problem with Windows Clock


Apr 3, 2003
ok, im having a VERY strange problem with windows clock. it seems the seconds are counting TOO fast and its making my clock go forward to fast. also whats jacked up is because the clock is counting very fast, programs that rely on the clock to keep the time are also moving to fast. [ for instance i burned a cd which usually takes about 3 mins, said 16 mins when i was finnished, though it was really only about 3]

i dont know What caused this or how it happened.

the first time i noticed anything wrong was yesterday evening when the clock was about 5 hours fast, so i moved it back. then i come on this morning and notice its moving too fast again.

has anyone had a problem like this or know how i can fix it? i have windows xp with sp1, all updates but not sp2.
hmm. this is very strange. i went to and checked the time, it appears the seconds are counting too fast as well.. i see it counts roughly 10 seconds in 6 seconds by my watch.i wonder does this have anything to do with it.
I think that secret Government research has clearly unleashed events beyond our control that threaten the very fabric of our universe.

Does anyone know where the One Free Man is?


I just checked though and it looks like it's on time again. So there goes my theory.

Could be a fault in your motherboards system clock. Can you replace the battery? (though I would think the battery would be for a slow clock...)
Windows doesn't control your clock. It is your CMOS. Maybe your battery is bad...

Since you are running XP, set it to connect to a time server to correct the clock for you.
Thats reallly wierd. First thing I'd suggest is doing a virus and spyware check (see my signature). Also, are you overcloking your PC at all?
Actually, I think what the OS does is grabs the system clock from the bios when it starts, and controls the time from that point forward. Which is one of the reasons why it's important for an OS to figure out your clock speed. Then, when you shut down, it updates the bios time.

I'm pretty sure this is how linux works, not sure about windows.
well i went and restated and checked the bios. everything was fine. when i came back to windows the time appeared to be normal, and its been about 3 hours now and the time is still correct.

i guess this is just one of the problems with windows that youll never know what happened, but was fixed by rebooting. anyway thanks for the responses.