Weekend BF3 [H]games


Oct 1, 2004
Hello all from this weekend,

Man it was a blast playing with some people that use their noodles a bit. Can't wait to get through this beta and into the real game. Markdek actually uses the defib paddles wow. I was getting pretty tired of being in maps standing next to a guy with ammo and never getting any. I'm pre-ordering a BF3 server also. If anyone needs it for team practices scrimages and stuff like that let me know. I'm sure mon-thurs I wouldn't mind closing it down for people to get on. It's going to be a 64 spot server in ATL on NFO. Anyways if people need to use it let me know and i'll do what i can to schedule it. Might be kind of hard to do at first though. I will be in the server being selfish with the airplanes and helicopters, heheh. To the server owner go the spoils. I might let a few people in for target practice though. Oh yeah make sure snapshoota and locolaptop are on your team if you feel like staying alive.
