Web designer / coder


Aug 25, 2005
Hi everyone,

I'm currently looking for a web designer/coder to create a new community website (20-25 pages with SNS features). There are so many services out there that I don't know where to start and who can dish out quality work. I work at a game company and our web team is backed up so I'm trying to get some help. Anyone know what to look out for and how I should be evaluating when selecting a company to service my needs?
the forums over at sitepoint can probably better assist you there, IMO.
I work at a game company and our web team is backed up so I'm trying to get some help.

Even if they're too backed up to do the work, they should be taking part in the processes of handing this off to a 3rd party developer. They're going to be stuck maintaining it down the road, they're the ones that know about your current environment, coding standards and whatnot. If things get done wrong & it takes 10x more work than usual to get it working with your existing site, you're not saving anything by doing this outside.
This sounds like a short-term project, with a few possible enhancements in the future. However, all of it would likely be handed over to someone in your company to maintain. Therefore, get some requirements from your web and game devs and keep them involved in the process. Contracting companies, sites like "rentacoder", and outside web dev shops are abundant; do you or someone in your company have a history with a past reliable source? Just have your requirements aligned, and the financial and managerial backing to see this through.

And just a reminder to be aware of Rule 19:
(19) ADVERTISING, site pimping, contests or any type of business promotion is not permitted.
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