WC n00b question..

Postal Dude

Limp Gawd
Mar 15, 2005
Most new Mobo's wont boot if they dont detect a cpu fan connected. When u use WC, is there a connector that u place on the 3 pin header for cpu fan?
You can disable that alarm in the bios mate. Some fan controllers will plug into the port to allow you to bypass that. just nix it in the bios
what i did was take my cpu fan apart amd stuck the fan on the side of the power supply. that way it will boot and it also cools the PWMs. i was looking for a solution, but could not find one.
i think i will go for qveon's solution. why waste a fan header and mess with bios settings when u can use the cooling of a cpu fan. But saying that... im going to WC cus i want quiet. and keeping the fan running would make my reasons invalid.. hmmmm i hope my WC comes with a thing for it