Waves to SmokeRngs

Dark Ember

Jul 30, 2001
Welp, I just passed you this last update (12pm) SmokeRngs. Beat you to 200k! :eek:

It looked like after your point dump over the weekend that you might be turning up the heat a bit. Was getting worried there... :eek:

Good fun though! Fold On!

The point dump Saturday was due to a hard drive that died on me. Luckily I had 6 of the six finished proteins backed up so I just sent them all in. After that, it was just a couple of good days where everything just hit at once. Now, I'm back to normal and lost a boxen. It wasn't much but at least it was something.

And I thought that little point dump would scare you a bit. I was originally going to wait until the end of the contest and dump everything I had done then, but that didn't work out. :(

Anyway, congrats. I made you wait a day or two before you could overtake me. And you better keep everything going. I should be adding at least one system come spring. Maybe a little something here and there before then depending on the status of me getting a second job.

SmokeRngs said:
The point dump Saturday was due to a hard drive that died on me. Luckily I had 6 of the six finished proteins backed up so I just sent them all in. After that, it was just a couple of good days where everything just hit at once. Now, I'm back to normal and lost a boxen. It wasn't much but at least it was something.

And I thought that little point dump would scare you a bit. I was originally going to wait until the end of the contest and dump everything I had done then, but that didn't work out. :(

Anyway, congrats. I made you wait a day or two before you could overtake me. And you better keep everything going. I should be adding at least one system come spring. Maybe a little something here and there before then depending on the status of me getting a second job.

Definitely! I'll keep this up as long as I can, and look forward to any future competition we may have. :)

Fold On!