>>>Watercooling -|- Questions<<<


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 16, 2001
Okay first i will give a quick backround check, so here.

I have had water cooling before but took up too much weight and was too clunkey. When i did it, koolance was just coming out so i had to pretty much make everything from scratch, custom rez, custom pump, custom radiator and all. Anyway it was overly big for just cooling a CPU that didnt OC.

I am all about do it yourself, i hate prebuilt stuff unless they look 10x better (like water blocks)

Well enough of that, so u understand where i am coming from. This is where i stand now.

I have about $100 to spend on a WC system that will last me for a long time (more than 3 years would be nice) and i really need a new pump thats inline or prebuilt rez/pump so i dont have to make another one (they are a pain to make it look sexi). But since i am kinda nubbish when it comes to getting stuff thats plug and play espically with water cooling, who would guess that they would rape that too, and was wondering whats a good performing pump? Also i have to fit a radiator in this case ( http://www.svc.com/amsgmonmidca.html ) so any ideas on how to do it would be nice. I was thinking a rad on the bottom and getting sum new feet for it... Oh oh and the real question:

Would making a radiator be just as good a predone one? I want to fit a rad under the case, so in a way i would be using the case as a heatsink, i would also have a fan to blow air down or up which ever works better.



I have a waterblock, it was the first koolance water block, i am thinking of OCing a 1.6a P4 so would this be sufficent for it? Oh and i need stuff at 3/8th cuz its smaller and i dont like to see the water lines much