Was the [H] mobile app canceled?

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Jul 13, 2007
Hey, I tried searching but couldn't quickly find a definite answer or update on this. A while ago I read that there was a [H]ard|Forum standalone app coming to Android 'soon' and I was really excited about it. Then I came across posts about the site being 'good enough' on mobile browsers, giving me the sense that there was no longer a need for an app. I'm not here to argue that, I browse the full desktop version of the site perfectly on my Android based phone. I'm just wondering if the app was, indeed, canceled or if it's still in development. Basically - what's the deal with the app? ;)

Thanks - and I do apologize if the question has explicitly been answered before, I seem to have missed the discussion on it. :)
Ah, thank you for the info! The actual app part is a bit unclear, though. Kyle says "Yes, we will have an "app" for those that need one click access to the mobile site from their desktop". Access to the mobile site from their desktop? Why would we want that? lol :confused:

If he meant to say mobile - I (and everyone else, basically) can do that on my phone right this moment - it's as simple as dragging my [H] bookmark from the browser to the home screen. I'm wondering more about the app that was talked about before - the actual standalone app that was being made.
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