WARNING: Don't trade w/ user hamster aka Adam Brewer


Apr 18, 2002
I’d like to advise everyone not to trade with the user hamster aka adam brewer.

Ok, I didn’t want to have to do this, but the time it has taken adam to rectify this situation has been way too long and every time I talk to him payment is always “gonna get out tomorrow” but it never does and this has gone on for over a month and a half of him having the items w/ out paying me.

The situation is I sold him originally 1 512 ddr3200 dimm of generic for $55 cross shipped as he had given me heat refs and his phone # and addy since he needed the ram for a rig he was building. I sent off the ram and then was informed he wasn’t going to be able to pay me right away, but he was able to paypal me $26. We kept in contact so I wasn’t too worried, and he then was looking for a cdrw, so I sent him a 52x black face burner and we agree’d he would add $30 to the total he owed me, making it $59 owed. After confirming he received the burner I lost contact with him, except for when I’d pm him on the [H] asking when I would get my money and I always got the either I’ll send out a check tomorrow or the end of the week, etc. I have yet to receive payment for the $59.
Without proof of fraud and more time, you are to NOT post personal information such as address and phone #, please remove them and read the trading rules.
Originally posted by S0mE0nEsMiNd1
Without proof of fraud and more time, you are to NOT post personal information such as address and phone #, please remove them and read the trading rules.

You'd do the same thing if you were in the same situation. Nobody likes a liar, someone who goes against their word, or won't pay up.

If you have nothing better to do than say "read the rules" all the time I suggest you leave this board and make it a better place for the rest of us. People like you belong at genmay. Get a job, or better yet, a life.
Originally posted by S0mE0nEsMiNd1
Without proof of fraud and more time, you are to NOT post personal information such as address and phone #, please remove them and read the trading rules.
umm I think a month and a half is ample time, and i dont think you have the right to ask anyone to remove anything that is a job for a mod or admin. LOL a noob telling an oldtimer to read the rules thats funny, expecially from someone that ive seen flame alot of threads.
judging by the post count eh kid?

Tell me, how would you feel if say....you were the person he says is ripping him off. Now, say this was made, and after 2 weeks of no pay, you (being the person who is paying for the items), father dies all of a sudden out of the blue. Immedaitely you rushin a plane to his location and wait a week for his funeral at that location. Finally afterwords, you spend another week with your mother, talking and spending time with her over both your losses. Then, after finally getting back, you come to realize that due to an immature person who cant handle forum rules, your email account is filled with spam due to the other immature members at this forum. To make it worse, your answering machine is filled with whinny people who cant learn forum rules, while also finding this thread with all his personal information exposed.

Say this happend to you...would you give a fucking shit about some $40 deal when theres problems with your family? Hopefully not, but some members here are pretty damn cruel.

Learn to think about other people, and also realize...you can lie too...
I just a few months back sold a sound card to this member and all went very well. A +
ok, I removed the info. As far as proof of fraud, what do you mean? On multiple occasions spanning over 3 months total (it has simply been 1 month since I last heard from him regarding sending payment) I have been given what looks to be the standard run around regarding getting paid for the items he has recieved. I'm not calling him a direct thief, I'm simply stating to other users what has occurred. I have pm'd adam this thread, so when he gets it I completely assume he will finally right this situation, but I would still warn other traders against trading with him unless he paid first or shipped item first.
Originally posted by S0mE0nEsMiNd1
judging by the post count eh kid?

Tell me, how would you feel if say....you were the person he says is ripping him off. Now, say this was made, and after 2 weeks of no pay, you (being the person who is paying for the items), father dies all of a sudden out of the blue. Immedaitely you rushin a plane to his location and wait a week for his funeral at that location. Finally afterwords, you spend another week with your mother, talking and spending time with her over both your losses. Then, after finally getting back, you come to realize that due to an immature person who cant handle forum rules, your email account is filled with spam due to the other immature members at this forum. To make it worse, your answering machine is filled with whinny people who cant learn forum rules, while also finding this thread with all his personal information exposed.

Say this happend to you...would you give a fucking shit about some $40 deal when theres problems with your family? Hopefully not, but some members here are pretty damn cruel.

Learn to think about other people, and also realize...you can lie too...

Just out of curiousity - have you ever made a post which wasn't about how someone was breaking the FS/FT rules? The only posts by you I've ever seen have been in the FS/FT section - and every single one has been "read the rules blah blah blah"

Take the flaming to Genmay please.
Originally posted by S0mE0nEsMiNd1
Tell me, how would you feel if say....you were the person he says is ripping him off. Now, say this was made, and after 2 weeks of no pay, you (being the person who is paying for the items), father dies all of a sudden out of the blue. Immedaitely you rushin a plane to his location and wait a week for his funeral at that location. Finally afterwords, you spend another week with your mother, talking and spending time with her over both your losses. Then, after finally getting back, you come to realize that due to an immature person who cant handle forum rules, your email account is filled with spam due to the other immature members at this forum. To make it worse, your answering machine is filled with whinny people who cant learn forum rules, while also finding this thread with all his personal information exposed.

Say this happend to you...would you give a fucking shit about some $40 deal when theres problems with your family? Hopefully not, but some members here are pretty damn cruel.

Learn to think about other people, and also realize...you can lie too...

that would be sad. Doesn't mean you should abandon your responsibilities. Only takes like 10 minutes to put a check into the mailbox (if even that long).
send his info to a mod. Get them involved, if you haven't already. You are much more generous then I would be after three months.

Originally posted by S0mE0nEsMiNd1
Tell me, how would you feel if say....you were the person he says is ripping him off. Now, say this was made, and after 2 weeks of no pay, you (being the person who is paying for the items), father dies all of a sudden out of the blue. Immedaitely you rushin a plane to his location and wait a week for his funeral at that location. Finally afterwords, you spend another week with your mother, talking and spending time with her over both your losses. Then, after finally getting back, you come to realize that due to an immature person who cant handle forum rules, your email account is filled with spam due to the other immature members at this forum. To make it worse, your answering machine is filled with whinny people who cant learn forum rules, while also finding this thread with all his personal information exposed.

Say this happend to you...would you give a fucking shit about some $40 deal when theres problems with your family? Hopefully not, but some members here are pretty damn cruel.

Learn to think about other people, and also realize...you can lie too...

Look man I don't know your past in these forums, but i can tell you one thing...your attempt to compare this situation to the one you described is way off. Yeah, shit happens, there is life outside the computer monitor, but if you can't get your shit together after 3 weeks, let alone three months, you have problems.

Secondly, we are not all adults here by any means, however, you are expected to be mature enough & responsible enough to pay for the stuff you buy, and keeping in contact doesn't hurt either. (read: if you don't pay, then consider them things stolen. Period.)
and no i wasnt judging by your post count, just your stupidity of your posts. Every post you have made on this forum is flaming someone, or bitching about their thread. He waited the ample amount of time before calling someone out as per the rules. Dont preach the rules to me I been here since before your mommy bought your first computer for you, and have never had a problem with not following the rule except for calling out the occational idiot when they try to get holyer than thou. We had another person just like you named Klamen, we got rid of him and up you come, sad really.
Originally posted by S0mE0nEsMiNd1
Learn to think about other people, and also realize...you can lie too...

Good advice, now learn to apply it to your life as well. $40 may not be a lot to YOU, but to ivandal2, it could be the difference between losing his car or saving his house. Im sure if something as significant as a death in the family had occured, this thread would not have been started as hampster would have advised ivandal2 of such.

Remember, respect is earned, not expected.
~~~~~~~~~~~Regarding Troll Threads~~~~~~~~~~~

We dont need troll threads here unless you can actually prove that he/she is a troll. All these "troll" threads so far tend to only ruin ones reputation and everyone steps out turning a minor problem he/she had with them into something major. Further troll threads will be locked and moved. All traders should have all contact information regarding other trader so they can always be in contact. He/she isnt replying to my emails or icq just does cut it. If you didnt bother to get his/her phone number, you are just asking to be trolled. Also always search around on troll lists before dealing with anyone. This thread will constantly be updated

This is from the Rules have a problem with it talk to Kyle
Originally posted by S0mE0nEsMiNd1
judging by the post count eh kid?

Tell me, how would you feel if say....you were the person he says is ripping him off. Now, say this was made, and after 2 weeks of no pay, you (being the person who is paying for the items), father dies all of a sudden out of the blue. Immedaitely you rushin a plane to his location and wait a week for his funeral at that location. Finally afterwords, you spend another week with your mother, talking and spending time with her over both your losses. Then, after finally getting back, you come to realize that due to an immature person who cant handle forum rules, your email account is filled with spam due to the other immature members at this forum. To make it worse, your answering machine is filled with whinny people who cant learn forum rules, while also finding this thread with all his personal information exposed.

Say this happend to you...would you give a fucking shit about some $40 deal when theres problems with your family? Hopefully not, but some members here are pretty damn cruel.

Learn to think about other people, and also realize...you can lie too...
I would feel I should have sen't out the money earlier and probably felt even worse about everything.
Originally posted by S0mE0nEsMiNd1
judging by the post count eh kid?

Tell me, how would you feel if say....you were the person he says is ripping him off. Now, say this was made, and after 2 weeks of no pay, you (being the person who is paying for the items), father dies all of a sudden out of the blue. Immedaitely you rushin a plane to his location and wait a week for his funeral at that location. Finally afterwords, you spend another week with your mother, talking and spending time with her over both your losses. Then, after finally getting back, you come to realize that due to an immature person who cant handle forum rules, your email account is filled with spam due to the other immature members at this forum. To make it worse, your answering machine is filled with whinny people who cant learn forum rules, while also finding this thread with all his personal information exposed.

Say this happend to you...would you give a fucking shit about some $40 deal when theres problems with your family? Hopefully not, but some members here are pretty damn cruel.

Learn to think about other people, and also realize...you can lie too...

I love it when people call other people "Kid". I have heard this a few times in the mmorpgs I play, and generally it is/was a 13-17 year old calling me, a 32 year old with 2 children a "kid". Classic stuff.

Anyways, what if the purchase was not for 55 bux? Instead it was a pallet of $400 monitors? Or a crate of 9800XTs one of which YOU bought?

"What if the roof fell in and your ass caught fire.." is what my step-dad would say when I was smaller and stuck on stupid.

BUMP for GOOD KARMA all around.

ive only been here for a little while, compaired to others, but ive read mostly everything on this site and i think nothing is wrong with you posting his information, you trusted him on making a payment when a payment was due, which he did not do, he could have easily called you and expalined a certin situation he had.. i dont really know you but you sent a guy ram and a burner on trust so i think you would have understood if he gave you a good excuse, but he did not so i would post back his info get some admins involed make and example of this case
Originally posted by M3ltd0Vvn
I love it when people call other people "Kid". I have heard this a few times in the mmorpgs I play, and generally it is/was a 13-17 year old calling me, a 32 year old with 2 children a "kid". Classic stuff.

Anyways, what if the purchase was not for 55 bux? Instead it was a pallet of $400 monitors? Or a crate of 9800XTs one of which YOU bought?

"What if the roof fell in and your ass caught fire.." is what my step-dad would say when I was smaller and stuck on stupid.

BUMP for GOOD KARMA all around.


Well I didnt even respond to the kid because by his wording and the OoHh ImSoL337 typing habits i fugred he is about 15 years my junior. (Im 30 with a wife and kid too) ;)
I love it when a thread likes this pops up, and half the people say "He cant be bad, I had a good trade with him!" In my opinion, a mistake, ESPECIALLY after three months or whatever of OBVIOUS lies is enough to marr any good history. Thats the way life is. You rob a bank, you land your ass in jail. Doesnt matter if you single handedly resqued 50 people from a flaming boat, you still committed a crime. Your ass will be in jail.

Bottom line is, post some conversations and proof. Call him, and better yet, call his home town police department and get them to investigate it. Also contact http://trollhunters.com. When I was dealing with DarkEVE, as soon as a hunter emailed him surprisingly emails and AIM messages started getting through to him and I got a tracking number for my item.

It works wonders, good luck.
"Without proof of fraud and more time, you are to NOT post personal information such as address and phone #, please remove them and read the trading rules. "

I have been playing the 'its going out tomorrow' game with him since DECEMBER.
I found him after he changed email addresses, then he responded back and said "I knew I forgot something" and said it would go out asap...
NEVER got anything from him, he payed for 1/2 the deal and never finished the rest, believe he owes me $60 or so.
I saved all the emails and have them at home....I should make a web page with the email trail.......

Finally gave up and gave him a neg eval about a week ago....
i did explain to ivandal about a situation in my family. my finace threw me out and refuses to let me see my son. so i am trying to find a place. pluse dealing with courts for custody and visitation. i had to reestablish a bank account. plus i still have people that owe me money from 4 months ago. you will get your money. i haven't had time to pick my nose. between alll that stuff plus working 70 hours a week. to top it all of i find out the b@#%h was cheating on me before we split up. you will get your money. everything you sold me worked fine. i know it has been a long time but give me a chance to get life put back together.
ok then, yeah no problem. The only issue I was having was inability to get ahold of you and the fact you had said you'd send payment a few times and didn't. You had said you had seperated from the wife but I hadn't heard any of those other details. g/l to ya man. As I said in my other post, I figured we could settle this, I just hadn't been able to get any response/ contact from you for appr a month and it kind of threw me off. Mods please lock/delete this thread now. Thanks.
Well then, keep in touch and good luck...wish I got a response before I left the heat eval...