Warm? WD 3tb external drive $89


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 11, 2003
What drive is inside of these? Im debating on biting the terrible shipping costs to APO and getting a couple.

Doh: Just realized they are refurb.
I posted from my phone and it's not cooperating... Lol.
Most important things to look for at are warranty and drive speed, sethk. It's rare, but sometimes you can find some with 7200RPM drives inside. Otherwise, warranty is where you should be hedging your bets.

Also to consider is how well the external case cools the drive. With 2.5" drives it's not as important since they dissipate less heat, but you'll definitely want something with active cooling if possible (and if not possible, something better than the piece of shit WD Essential series' cases, which have no room for venting unless you put them on homemade wedges).