Warm? Diablo 3 55.99

On another note, Microcenter has D3 for $49.99..... Enjoy your hassle with this deal. :p
Well, Everyone that ordered from the eBay guy may not get lucky..

Dear Customer

On 5-11-12 EEAECO.com was contacted by our two distributors, D&H and Synnex, regarding a shipping error on Blizzard's part. The units promised due to arrive in Chicago on 5-11-12 were either not fully received or not received at all. Once we were aware of the problem we quickly took action to try and allocate more units from some of our other distributors. However, due to the popularity of this item we were unable to secure more units. We then contacted our distributors again to see if there is anyway possible to get these units for monday the 14th. We were able to secure an overnighted shipment from Synnex from Ontario. However, since the order was placed late on 5-11-12 it missed the shipment time. So the shipment is due to ship out on monday the 14th. We will be taking further action as soon as our distributor is open on monday to try and get the items on a direct flight to our local airport for pickup. We do not have a guarantee from our distributor that this is possible. We do have a guarantee that the orders will be at our warehouse on 5-15-12.

I would like to take a personal moment and apologize for any inconvenience this may caused you. As a gamer, who was looking forward to playing the game at launch, I am just as upset about the situation as you are. We are working with our distributors with the utmost urgency to try and get the product to you as soon as possible. We bought an additional amount of cd keys just so we could try and get them here on the 14th. I hope you understand the situation and that we are doing everything possible to get the product here on monday. If you have any questions or concerns please email me.

Thank you,

Mark A Eldridge
Eldridge Enterprises / EEAECO.com
Good luck getting a refund from paypal so you can pick it up locally at microcenter on the 15th. Something tells me this guy isnt going to be able to scan all the cd keys and email them the morning of the 15th.

The reason this deal was [H]ot was because not only did you save $10 off retail but you got it a day early.
8.3% is meaningless without the other variables.
8.3% vs time to save $5 on fleabay.. no thanks.
8.3% vs same time to save $50, hell yes

same reason i would not go the extra steps to buy a $10 game for $5. I saved 50%!!!!! but at what risk vs time?

again, to some this was a great deal. To others this was not [H]ot.

Thanks for pointing out that whether this a hot deal or not depends on one's view captain obvious. What would we do without you ;)
I agree with his statement, however i do see the other side that would put in the extra effort for $5 - $10. People are in different places in life where $5 is alot to some (college students?) and other people are in a place where 5 minutes is worth alot more than $5/$10

His statement does add to this thread because with all things in life, there are 2 sides, and neither one is right or wrong depending on where you stand.

If 5 minutes is equivalent to $5 or $10 in your life, why are you in this thread? Why are you in this sub-forum? Who let you out of Google's share holders' meeting room?

Also, I got two boxed copies and saved $12 through that eBay guy. Not CD keys -- which I would've been content with buying directly from Blizzard were it not for the fact that I wanted boxed copies. His $53.99 / box still beats Newegg's and now Micro Center's $49.99 deals due to CA tax, not to mention gas if I were to visit MC.

I was holding out hoping Amazon would do a sale, but it didn't happen, so I lucked out with easily the lowest price I've seen for physical copies. :)
Makes me happy to have my free version already downloaded and waiting to install LOL. (free version from the WoW deal from last year)
Makes me happy to have my free version already downloaded and waiting to install LOL. (free version from the WoW deal from last year)

It isn't free when you have to pay Blizzard for a year of shit ass WOW.
It isn't free when you have to pay Blizzard for a year of shit ass WOW.

I suggest you re-examine your logic.

If I already play a certain game, and am given another game just because I was doing what I already enjoyed where is the cost to the end user?

It would be like someone giving me a $60 free gas card just for promising to fill up at a certain brand gas station for the next year. If I'm already doing it how is that any risk of cost to me?

Just because you don't like X brand of gas is no reason to turn into a whiney bitching 12 year old child. (maybe you really are 12 in which case you know nothing of the world, economics, free personal choice, or respect)
Dear Customers,

As I stated over the weekend there was a shipping error with both of my distributors. For the past 72 hours, I have been on the phone trying to get the copies available to you tonight for the midnight release. Unfortunately, my distributors did not have a shipping option available for me to get the copies tonight. However, I have tracking on all of my orders and will have them tomorrow before 10:30am EST. I am extremely disappointed in the way this situation has turned out. I wish there was a way for me to get all the copies here before midnight. I even tried talking the distributor into letting me drive to the warehouse and picking them up straight from there. However, this could not happen due to "security" issues. I will have the keys in my possession by 10:30 according to the tracking information. All keys should be emailed and sent by 5:00pm EST. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me immediately.

Thank you,

Mark Eldridge
EEAECO.com / Eldridge Enterprises

:( Better than nothing? Definitely won't be staying up late tonight.
This isnt GOTY so I'm not going to demand he offer a refund, and I guess saving $10 was worth a slight delay, but on the downside I know my friends arnt going to be waiting for me to finally get my copy when theirs unlocks at midnight.
Don't worry, the servers will probably crash and you'll be able to play right there with them in the following days. ;)
I'm also still waiting for my CD Key (1:36 PM EST). As the previous poster said, we were promised a delivery by 5 PM EST today. I remain hopeful that it will show up by then. I'm stuck in training until 4:30 anyways, so no need for the key sooner.

Just wanted to share my experience with anyone else in our boat that ordered here and might be wondering where their CD Key is.
No key, unable to DL yet :mad: The second I get the key I'm sneaking out of the office hahaha!!
Yeah, you have been able to download the install of the game for, well, about a month now.... just fyi. I had mine dl'd a long time ago then yesterday they finally unlocked it and had it installed before midnight.

On another note, they are having some serious issues with the servers so, you wont be able to play right now anyways, everyone is getting errors.
Different from the beta? Will give it a go. I had a feeling the servers would be seriously scrunched anyways!
I got an email at 3:51 EST from the Ebay guy that they are in the process of emailing all the CD Keys right now.
Great to hear - I definitely started to worry a bit. 4:28 EST and I haven't seen or heard anything yet! But now that others have actually received theirs, hopefully mine will follow shortly.

UPDATE: Just received my email @ 4:37 PM EST. Time to get started!
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Got my key and activated it.

servers are broke too so we didn't miss nothin :)
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Just got a picture of my key, it's blurry as shit and I can't read it.

Yeah, the quality on mine was pretty terrible, too. Was just legible enough to read the characters.

Eh, e-mail him back and have him take another shot at it. He's probably just taking cell phone shots.
Yeah I e-mailed back. I tried p-chopping it to see if it helps figure out what it says, no dice.
Hey got back to me. Score!!! Too bad the fiance wants to play now too, we gotta buy another at full price.