VPN over unsecured wi-fi?


Mar 11, 2003
So, the wireless network I have at my house is completely unsecured, so that when people come over they don't have to worry about wep keys, etc. This isn't a problem, because all the computers in my house are on a seperate 100 base network, so I don't have problems with wardrivers getting my files.
But now I'm using my work laptop to connect to our VPN over this unsecured wireless network. So, is a normal VPN connection secure enough to not worry about the wireless being unencrypted? Or should I turn on WEP (I don't believe it has WPA, but I could be wrong)?
1) Remember that you could still see trouble in the form of what bits anybody using your unsecured access point is downloading.

2) Yes, standard VPNs are quite secure and should be safe traveling over unsecured wifi. Final verdict comes down to what vpn software it is, of course.
this depends

if its SSL or Cisco VPN Client you'll be fine.

I would hide your Wireless name though.
Also keep in mind, if someone owns your laptop you are using to VPN in on, they can ride that tunnel straight back into your work and be on their network. That is a stretch, but having at least the SSID from being broadcast, or using a simple WEP key would deter the common war driving punk driving around with his cantenna...
Also keep in mind, if someone owns your laptop you are using to VPN in on, they can ride that tunnel straight back into your work and be on their network. That is a stretch, but having at least the SSID from being broadcast, or using a simple WEP key would deter the common war driving punk driving around with his cantenna...

psssssst.............. they're stealing your interwebs:p
Well, if the wireless is still connected to the internet, then you are still responsible for what they download. Also, you've set up a free network for anyone in range. Anyone can now leach of your single and not have to buy their own.