Vote for Freeman!

If you played the game, then he does exist... you were Gordon Freeman. If you can't understand the unique character immersion valve is attempting to portray in the HL series without the need for dialogue and cutscenes, then you're completely devoid of creative imagination.

Or perhaps it's because the people a Valve don't even know where the Half Life story is heading... (which I can remember that someone at Valve said that a long time ago). I mean, the fact that we know next to nothing as to why or how or who is going on in the Half Life world doesn't help. At the end of each game/episode you end up having more question than answers...
He was actually first based on Mel Gibson from Road Warrior, and Snake Plissken.

"On the cover artwork of the original Metal Gear, he resembles Michael Biehn in The Terminator,

Haha yeah, I always thought that was funny , they pretty much took Michael Biehn's (Kyle Reese) picture and put it on the cover of the Nintendo Cartridge , AVGN does a funny spiel about it in his Metal Gear review.
Oh, and Snake is awesome when you're 15 and haven't yet realised he's just a mish-mash of other characters and basically has nothing original to him at all.
I think Mario will make it to the final. Tough to say who will make it from the bottom bracket. Probably Link or the winner of Freeman vs. Snake.
Oh, and Snake is awesome when you're 15 and haven't yet realised he's just a mish-mash of other characters and basically has nothing original to him at all.

Except being a clone of a super soldier with an extreme aging disease fighting in a future controlled by nano-machines, and your evil twin brother who is attempting to take control of the world in the footsteps of your father.

Snake isn't awesome until after you're 15 and realize that he isn't the typical video-game hero. Let alone a hero whose only backstory is being a MIT grad and working on an inter-dimensional portal.

I like the silent aspect to Freeman, yet what is driving his character?
If you played the game, then he does exist... you were Gordon Freeman. If you can't understand the unique character immersion valve is attempting to portray in the HL series without the need for dialogue and cutscenes, then you're completely devoid of creative imagination.

Oh? What unique personality characteristics does he have? Oh wait, he's "everyone" who plays Freeman, aka no one.

You know why Freeman shouldn't count? Because he could have a completely different name, background, physical attributes, gender, and so on and still be the same fucking person.
Freeman's character is defined more by the weapon he's using than by his background, character traits or storyline, all of which can be told without cut scenes and still leave the player with that immersed feeling.
Right, if all gamers need is to define a game hero by the gun they are carrying and this makes them the best game hero, then gamers are a shallow bunch indeed.

Although in retrospect, it speaks volumes about the current igeneration. His name mind as well be iGordon, since empathy for anything that isn't 'i' is lacking.
Freeman wins for me because he's a bit of a geek. He's not some jock super soldier, he is a scientist with big thick glasses.Yet despite that he is picked by the G-man, out of the other billions on humans on earth, to become a inter-dimensional mercenary and battle the Combine Empire. Snake is a cool character too. The only Metal Gear game I've ever played was MGS2 but his character always seemed a bit more bland, for lack of a better term. It seems like I've played dozens of games where the protagonist is some sort elite special forces type. Gordon Freeman appeals to me more because he is somewhat unique (to me).
Come on, Gordon Freeman is every IT guy/Electrical Engineer's vicarious self-representation. He's even got the thick rimmed glasses and the cheesy goatee and the inability to carry out a single conversation with anybody in his life. He's just not cool. He's just a dorky scientist who was in the right place at the right time to get a powered suit and a crowbar.

Freeman is such a dweeb!
Bub and Bob are BRINGING THE UPSETS. i think they will take this tournament by storm. DArK HORSIN it to the top. pretty ridiculous that they beat sonic and are ahead of samus.
Come on, Gordon Freeman is every IT guy/Electrical Engineer's vicarious self-representation. He's even got the thick rimmed glasses and the cheesy goatee and the inability to carry out a single conversation with anybody in his life. He's just not cool. He's just a dorky scientist who was in the right place at the right time to get a powered suit and a crowbar.

Freeman is such a badass!
fixed :rolleyes:
Never played snake.... but with the Free man, silence doesn't mean he NEVER talks. Rather it means the player can fill in the blanks a little on what kind of guy Freeman is. Does anyone think that valve really made this guy to be a real mute? No, the silence is their plot device to move the story in a different way than other games do it. I'm sure many would like Freeman less if he actually had dialogue. Dialogue is obviously not explicit, but it's not void either, rather it's implicit.
Right, if all gamers need is to define a game hero by the gun they are carrying and this makes them the best game hero, then gamers are a shallow bunch indeed.

Although in retrospect, it speaks volumes about the current igeneration. His name mind as well be iGordon, since empathy for anything that isn't 'i' is lacking.

That's a little dramatic. No need to get your nickers in a twist over a video game character vote. Your comparison of a very real problem of people being too self-centered to something so insignificant, makes your point seem impotent.

Anyway, it was tough, but I voted for Freeman. Snake is a badass, but his back story is so convoluted and he's too much of a ripoff of other fictional characters to win.
I can't believe Freeman won by 119 votes out of 65 thousand. I actually feel like my vote for for Freeman counted. If it was not for the post here, I bet Freeman would have lost. Kudos to the op.
funny to see people actually arguing about this, its like fighting over what color is better blue or purple.

Blue is better, because its part of the wheel of colors, grrrrrr!.
purple is better because it is composed of more colors, Ruffff!

but, i guess threads would be quite boring without the random arguments.
WTF how did Cloud Strife lose? :(
Guess alot of the kiddies dont remember the main character from the greatest game of all time.
WTF how did Cloud Strife lose? :(
Guess alot of the kiddies dont remember the main character from the greatest game of all time.

Meh, I always thought that ff7 paled compared to computer rpg's in that era.

It's a good game, but IMO fallout 1 was better.
So what does that make me if you don't even recognize FF6 > 7! Oh now I feel really old ;)
Hey Kratos, I'm really happy for you, and I'mma let you finish, but Cloud Strife is the best character of ALL TIME, of ALL TIME!!
im bummed snake lost.....but happy a pc exclusive character won over a console icon.
Freeman hasn't got a lot of personality as such. Doesn't say anything, you can never view him. But the game is clever in that the characters you meet 'give' him personailty. It is ambigious but somehow it works. The way I felt about it was that I AM Gordon Freeman, that is the greatness of the character, to make you believe
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Link is cool, but the Duke should be ahead .... if everyone who played Zelda also played Duke Nukem, I think Duke would be winning here. I guess everyone had played the NES at some point. Going to be hard to be anything but Mario vs. Link at the end.

Still rooting for the Free man though. All reasons mentioned for voting for Freeman are good reasons. But part of it is also the Vortigaunts. They respect him and seem to think more highly of him and see him as necessary for the resistance. (Vortigaunts are smart guys, and are usually right). It's almost like they seem potential in Freeman that the resistance humans don't even see. So it's not *JUST* 'Freeman equals me', but also that Freeman has a profound impact in shaping reality around him.
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Link is cool, but the Duke should be ahead .... if everyone who played Zelda also played Duke Nukem, I think Duke would be winning here. I guess everyone had played the NES at some point. Going to be hard to be anything but Mario vs. Link at the end.

I played the Zelda games and bought Duke 3d as soon as it came out. I'd still vote for Link.
Vote for the Duke, the zelda games were good to great, but well, Duke has personality... which truthfully, link never really had much of.
The Freeman trails Link by only 67 votes. This is shaping up to be another close one.