VoodooPC.. what case is this?


Apr 30, 2002
it looks like a Lian Li.. but..is it just a highly customized one? which lian li did they start with?


i am not sure but that watercooling system inside fo it is laughable. you could most likley get better performace with the stock heatsink
why would you want a regular case with a little bit of metal cladding on back?
Internals look like a PC-65 to me. Smack a custom front and back on the thing, and BAM, there ya go.

Looks like it's just another layer in the front & back, kinda like a lazy premod to me ...
Tos said:
Looks like it's just another layer in the front & back, kinda like a lazy premod to me ...

Premod? Yes, lazy? :eek: NO. I think that's an insanely gorgeous case, not my color preferance, but still, its a friggin work of art. I'm actually buying a PC-65B, the mods Voodoo made are part of the inspiration for the mods I've got planned.

Looking at it now, doesn't the second drive cage on the PC-65 have slots for 3 drives? that one looks like it only has two. :confused:

I'm going to go look at the pics of my old PC-65, see what I can dig up.

I like the window, inside and the front of it, but I don't dig the back so much. It seems kinda....unecessary.
endscape said:
Internals look like a PC-65 to me. Smack a custom front and back on the thing, and BAM, there ya go.

notice the middle drive cage has space for 2 not 3 drives.

This is most likely a custom case made exclusively for Voodoo from our taiwanese friends.
notice the middle drive cage has space for 2 not 3 drives.

This is most likely a custom case made exclusively for Voodoo from our taiwanese friends.

Yes, Voodoo = big company. Big companies have lots of money :). That is an attractive case though. Swap the red in it for a flat black or dark grey and go UV :)
if it was flat black and had a decent watercooling system i would somewhat like it. but i enjoys modding the case my self
I'm really digging this case. I really think it looks awesome. I bet it's silent for what Voodoo's are known for.
well you could make that easily, just take a pc-65 and make a small henge door for the front and the back isnt great but i love voodoo dont get me wrong. To referance of the WCing system they might be going for quiet operation insted of high performance
well if they are going for quiet then why dont they just get a zalman heatsink which would be quieter and out perform that piece of shit waster cooling system. they just put it in there so they can charge alot more money and so the dumb people that buy them can say they have watercooling because they dont have the ability to put one in thereself.
I don't like the back grill thing they've added, probably adds unnecessary noise if the rear fans push too much air (turbulence along those holes). The front grill tribal thing and window design they do has always looked tight tho, bit long in the tooth now but nonetheless...

As for the watercooling, meh, low flow probably but whatever, it's a boutique system. It'll run decent and quiet and OC somewhat well but not to an extreme, people that buy said systems are paying for the complete package tho. Not necessarily every possible best component... Gotta admit I was once tempted to order a Falcon system w/a paintjob and all... many years ago.

Ain't got that kinda cash to throw around once it's me paying more and more bills and not my parents, heh. ;)
Looks sleek, but as someone said the H20 system looks cheesey, and I can't stand cases with doors. I need to get at my drives too much, and many of them are too easy to break off in an accident.