Volunteers Find Working USB Stick in Leopard Seal Feces


Mar 3, 2018
Ever lost a USB stick? I know I have, and apparently, those lost drives can end up in the most unlikely of places. The Guardian reports that volunteers working for New Zealand's National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research found a working USB stick in frozen leopard seal scat. The drive contains some photos and videos, some of which the NIWA uploaded on their Twitter account. If you've ever had otters swim up to you while Kayaking, you might want to take a look and give the NIWA a call. Thanks to cageymaru for the tip.

"It is very worrying that these amazing Antarctic animals have plastic like this inside them," said Jodie Warren, a volunteer who was working in the lab of marine biologist Dr Krista Hupman when she recovered the USB stick. Warren left the stick to dry for weeks, curious to see if any data could be recovered. The research team are keen to find the owner of the USB stick – and recruit the keen seal watcher to their volunteer army combing the beaches for “golden” poo. A spokesperson for Niwa said there are been “no serious leads yet” on finding the owner, but it would keep trying.
Ever lost a USB stick? I know I have, and apparently, those lost drives can end up in the most unlikely of places. The Guardian reports that volunteers working for New Zealand's National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research found a working USB stick in frozen leopard seal scat. The drive contains some photos and videos, some of which the NIWA uploaded on their Twitter account. If you've ever had otters swim up to you while Kayaking, you might want to take a look and give the NIWA a call. Thanks to cageymaru for the tip.

"It is very worrying that these amazing Antarctic animals have plastic like this inside them," said Jodie Warren, a volunteer who was working in the lab of marine biologist Dr Krista Hupman when she recovered the USB stick. Warren left the stick to dry for weeks, curious to see if any data could be recovered. The research team are keen to find the owner of the USB stick – and recruit the keen seal watcher to their volunteer army combing the beaches for “golden” poo. A spokesperson for Niwa said there are been “no serious leads yet” on finding the owner, but it would keep trying.

...Other videos and photos were NSFW and contained information that PETA may find offensive...

Would be hilarious if that flash drive contained some malware to make this finding ever more exciting. Seriously, why were these guys combing through seal crap? Looking for their lost flash drive?
...Other videos and photos were NSFW and contained information that PETA may find offensive...

Would be hilarious if that flash drive contained some malware to make this finding ever more exciting. Seriously, why were these guys combing through seal crap? Looking for their lost flash drive?

One of the easiest ways to figure out what a high level predator is eating, is looking at their crap.

People who don't understand science, often make it obvious that they don't understand science. . .
Some kid in 2007 probably had to use the excuse "OS X 10.5 Leopard (seal) ate my homework!".

It better be plugged in and scanned for.. science.
This is not what I had in mind when I told my friends to dispose of my adult collection.
What do you do for a living? Well, I walk around the beaches of the world looking for shit.
No, really ,what do you do for a living?
why didn't they shoot it for eating someone who had a concealed usb stick wearing spandex
One of the easiest ways to figure out what a high level predator is eating, is looking at their crap.

People who don't understand science, often make it obvious that they don't understand science. . .

Certainly, I just didn't think seals are considered a high level predator. Now we know they eat flash drives! ;)
Certainly, I just didn't think seals are considered a high level predator. Now we know they eat flash drives! ;)
Ever seen a leopard seal? They ain't the normal seals you see at your beaches and definitely a high level predator in it's environment, right next to the orca.
Ever seen a leopard seal? They ain't the normal seals you see at your beaches and definitely a high level predator in it's environment, right next to the orca.

Yes, these things are big and mean. They don't have any natural predators either other than orcas.