videos wont play what to load and start over?


Limp Gawd
Jul 31, 2007
I built a new computer about 6 months back and had problems playing videos right off the bat. on my old computer with xp sp1 I dl all the updates and dl VLC player from and every video I tried so far plays fine in either vlc or wmp or both. on my new computer I loaded vlc player and most of the stuff worked, but recenly none of them would play in either player. I am thinking it was a recent windows update that messed it up but im not sure. I tried uninstalling wmp11 and went back to wmp9 and my videos worked for a day and the next day none worked again. I didnt load anything, just checked my email and watched some videos on the front page of yahoo.
I tried loading wmp11 back on, uninstalling and re-installing VLC player, tried a bunch of different codec packs.
I am planning on starting over, reformatting and loading windows fresh and only the programs I need.
I searched forever trying to find out what I need to load to be able to watch yahoo video's, the videos I have saved and later be able to take video's off my camcorder and turn into dvd's.
I cant find a straight answer to what I need to load and where to get it. it shouldnt be that hard. but I sure must be looking in the wrong places and getting frustrated.

I have a quad core cpu, abit ip35 pro mobo, 2gb memory, and Nvidia GeForce 7300LE video card

here are the details on one of the videos i was trying to play-
General tab-
type of file windows media audio / video file
opens with windows media player
Summary tab-
opens with

width 400 pixels
Heigt 300 Pixels
Protected No
Duration 1:20
Bitrate 372kbps
Audio Sample size 16bit
Channels 2 Stereo
audio sample rate 44khz
data rate 300kbps
video sample size 24bit
Stream name video 2

other than that I dont know how else to find what type of file it is

the sound always works just not the video and when I first got the computer running the video was almost pitch black with a real little bit of the picture showing in blue. I have no idea why it all of a sudden started working back then, but now it shows nothing for video.
please help!

Did you try the Divx or Xvid codecs? How about system restore to go back before it happened then install software or windows updates one at a time until it stops working again to find out which one caused the problem?