Video Card upgrade or HSF?


Feb 29, 2004
Well I have about had it with my video card. It's been bone stock since the day she came in the mail and lately it's been artifacting like crazy in normal games that I play. Stalker doesn't last 5 minutes without going haywire and crashing -I haven't played since I bought it because of the crashing-. I'm really thinking the stock HSF on this thing just isn't doing it's job, but I have also been eyeing one of those 9600GT's. I'm really torn on what to do. On the egg I see some decent 9600GT's for about $150-170 and I wouldn't want to spend more than that. Should I upgrade, or should I try a new HSF on this x1900GT and try to salvage it? What do you guys think?
Assuming you are running the x1900GT thats in your sig, its time for an upgrade. The x1900GT was a poor performer, and probably doesn't run very well today. If you have the money, a 9600GT/3850 would do you wonders.
Yeah it's the one in the sig. It was actually a pretty good performer for the price when I bought it but now it's just not doing it's job anymore. Maybe next paycheck I'll pick me up a 9600GT then.