vid lag every 30 secs?


Dec 22, 2003
hey, im running a gf2 32mg ( /tear ) with a blue orb hsf, a 2000+ XP, 512 ram, 40gig HD, ecs k7s5a+ mobo, what my question is just recently ive started to experience total computer lag, roughly every 30 seconds my comps loses all control, and nothign happens for about half a second to a full second then goes back to normal, i dont have a clue what could be causing this, but maby my vido card because when its rendering shit in max, or downloading anything, it doesnt stop, but the display of it does.

any ideas / suggestions?
I have this problem on the rig listed below. All I have to do is restart windows and the problem is fixed. Some process running in the background must be to blame, I'm just not sure what it is.
Bring up Task Manager and watch the CPU usage of the running Processes. (Right Click on Task Bar, Left Click on Task Manager) It's probably your scanner or printer.
Do you have a Pocket PC or something that uses ActiveSync? I've found that if I have mine in the cradle while I play games, I get stalls every 5-10 seconds so I've resolved to remove it when I play :) Oh BTW this only happens when it is not connected and syncing, just chillin in the cradle.

Bring up Task Manager and watch the CPU usage of the running Processes.
Good call! Also, might be a good idea to run Ad-aware or Spybot. I've had spyware cause similar problems with my computer.
when i had a 9800 non pro it would heat up when playing graphic intensive games and do something similar. My graphics wouldnt pause but they would get the slightest bit jumpy. The problem was fixed temporarily by putting a 120 mm fan blowing right over both sides of the card. I fixed the problem permantently byt selling the non-pro and buying a pro.