VG278H vs Eizo FG2421


Apr 2, 2013
Hello I've had this vg278h screen for awhile now, and although it's great for 3d, 2d is just terrible.

It doesnt have a legit brightness/gamma setting in the OSD (its brightness setting is just the backlight) and I can tell the colors are a bit dull, but not sure what I'm missing compared to a VA or IPS screen. The brightness issue is big because same games force Window's default gamma, which with my monitors forced/brightness setting results in very washed out games.

This is especially bad in games like the new Resident Evil Remaster.

I know Acer is coming out with a IPS gsync monitor that runs at 1440p and 144hz but some games I like to play don't support that res and my GTX titan will get strained @ 1440p. Also Im worried about IPS glow which sounds like itd defeat the purpose of getting better blacks.

The Eizo FG2421 looks like the best bet. But would the difference be worth it in image quality, colors, and better blacks? I'm not sure just how big of a difference would be, so if someone has tried both or has gone from the Vg278h to a monitor with better image quality I'm curious to know what I might be missing.
Hello I've had this vg278h screen for awhile now, and although it's great for 3d, 2d is just terrible.

It doesnt have a legit brightness/gamma setting in the OSD (its brightness setting is just the backlight) and I can tell the colors are a bit dull, but not sure what I'm missing compared to a VA or IPS screen. The brightness issue is big because same games force Window's default gamma, which with my monitors forced/brightness setting results in very washed out games.

This is especially bad in games like the new Resident Evil Remaster.

I know Acer is coming out with a IPS gsync monitor that runs at 1440p and 144hz but some games I like to play don't support that res and my GTX titan will get strained @ 1440p. Also Im worried about IPS glow which sounds like itd defeat the purpose of getting better blacks.

The Eizo FG2421 looks like the best bet. But would the difference be worth it in image quality, colors, and better blacks? I'm not sure just how big of a difference would be, so if someone has tried both or has gone from the Vg278h to a monitor with better image quality I'm curious to know what I might be missing.

If you're lucky and you get a good one like I've gotten on my second try, the Eizo fg2421 has better overall PQ than any other LCD I've seen on a monitor or TV. I've seen IPSs, other VAs and some TN panels and I could not go back to any of those because of the tradeoffs. FG2421 has better contrast than any other VA I've tried, has color pretty close to the best IPSs I've had (Qnix qx2710) once calibrated and has extremely smooth motion control with it's 240hz strobing mode that I just can't do without in gaming anymore (at least for FPS's or any game where there is constant motion and you need near CRT level of motion clarity).

Unfortunately many have gotten units with a lot of issues like dead pixels, bad uniformity, clouding, random restarts etc. It's unfortunate that so many units with problems like these were let through quality control at Eizo, or it would have drawn a much greater success and we would probably see more of these types of monitors being produced in higher resolution and possibly with Gsync.
If you want an upgrade, contact Cirthix on Blur Busters. Do not switch from a VG248H. He can install an upgrade PCB for your monitor that will allow it to run at 240Hz, which only works on VG278s.
Did you actually follow through on your surprise request last year and get him to make a board for you?

He I said he would make a few and release them, but this was a prototype board so don't start getting people's hopes up.

That board also most likely does not address the poor image quality issues that the OP mentioned as being the reason for switching either.
There are better monitors than the FG2421 and there are more to come out this year. The PG278Q set the bar high and is more consistent in image quality unit to unit (teething issues aside at release). That FG2421 is too much of a risk to bother with.
My issue with the ROG is it seems to just have a Brightness and Constrast setting on its OSD and if its like brightness setting on my current Asus it's not a real brightness setting but a backlight setting. So if the monitor by default is too bright or dark, and I play a game that forces Windows Default gamma setting, and doesn't have adequate brightness/gamma settings in game, (like ffxiii, RE remaster) im screwed.
Personally I don't think entering this panel lottery is worth it, I would just stick to the Asus for now.
In theory IF you have a colorimeter and IF you actually get a good panel.... The Eizo is quite good... BUT you have an extremely high chance of getting a panel which is crap... I purchased one and it was back in the box within 4 hours and put me off ordering another... The amount of problems with it are bad. Also you NEED a colorimeter to calibrate it because the colors are bad out of the box or with just OSD. Just to repeat, the quality control on these is TERRIBLE and they are reject panels in the first place from medical displays so you will be guaranteed a few issues and be lucky if you get one which is not so bad that it will need to be returned. Even if you get a good one the image quality (other than 240hz) is not that good but better than a TN.
Love to find out how many of them was returned.

Just hang on a bit. BenQ Have a 1440 144Hz TN coming out.

A few other monitors with 144Hz IPS will be out this year.
Hello I've had this vg278h screen for awhile now, and although it's great for 3d, 2d is just terrible.

It doesnt have a legit brightness/gamma setting in the OSD (its brightness setting is just the backlight) and I can tell the colors are a bit dull, but not sure what I'm missing compared to a VA or IPS screen. The brightness issue is big because same games force Window's default gamma, which with my monitors forced/brightness setting results in very washed out games.

This is especially bad in games like the new Resident Evil Remaster.

I know Acer is coming out with a IPS gsync monitor that runs at 1440p and 144hz but some games I like to play don't support that res and my GTX titan will get strained @ 1440p. Also Im worried about IPS glow which sounds like itd defeat the purpose of getting better blacks.

The Eizo FG2421 looks like the best bet. But would the difference be worth it in image quality, colors, and better blacks? I'm not sure just how big of a difference would be, so if someone has tried both or has gone from the Vg278h to a monitor with better image quality I'm curious to know what I might be missing.

A Titan strained in 1440p? Where did you get that from lol
And what games are we talking about that "don't support 1440p"? I haven't run into any and I got more games than you can imagine.
I've had to edit config files now and then but I still can't say I've seen a game where I couldn't run 1440p (1920x1440 for old games without widescreen support).

Just wait for the IPS gsync panels, this should make things budge in the LCD market.
Well Resident Evil remaster and Final Fantasy 13 off the top of my head don't support 1440p. I might have others I dont remember.

I guess if the new monitor's have good scalers itll be all good.
ff13 does now, but the texture quality at 1440p specifically is horrendous, you will get much better PQ if you downsample even a resolution just a tad bit higher than 1440p (1800p works, 4k is the sweetspot).