VERY Weird Problems - Unable to boot windows without CD everytime


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 21, 2005
Okay this one is really confusing me. First and foremost, my BIOS is set to Boot 1.CDROM 2.Harddisk 3.Disabled, harddrive boot order is set to 1. 150GB WD Raptor 2. Seagate 300GB SATA 3. Seagate 300GB SATA.

Heres the story - I install windows, everything happens normally, and I get my OS installed for a good while. Randomly out the blue after a good few weeks of normal computer use I get the message "Disk Boot Failure, Insert System Disk and Press Enter" It refuses to boot my Raptor, I assume something went wrong with the system files but have no idea what. I made sure the Hard drive boot was still in order too. I shrugged it off and popped in my CD to reinstall windows. ....

However...I forgot to plug in my PS2 Keyboard, and wasnt able to hit any key when it said to for booting the cdrom, so it continued to attempt to boot windows...except it magically worked again, no "Disk Boot Failure".. I was confused, didnt know what to think. I then realized when I had the windows CD in it booted to my hard disk completely fine, I took it out again and got the "Disk Boot Failure"..

Anyone have any idea what the problem is, or how I can fix this?
so let me get this straight, it wont boot unless the cd is on? have you try to only set in your bios one booting device and to set it only with your raptor disabling the others ? try a bios update too
Windows will not boot unless the Windows CD is in the drive, dunno what you mean by "unless the cd is on", but the Cd has to be in the drive when It boots or it will just say "Disk Boot Failure, Insert System Disk and Press Enter" Yes, I have tried to set the Hard Drive as the only boot device, same result.

BIOS is up to date, they are working on the next one, but until then its a worthless beta.
It will never boot correctly with just one device set in the boot order. Change the boot order to 1.Hdd 2.Optical drive 3.Disableed. I think that should help.
Im about to try that digital exhaust, however...this does seem a bit unordinary to have to do? Perhaps its something else? Halfway unplugged SATA cable for all I know /shrug :confused:
ok i think u should reinstall your OS but unplug your other HDs, just the cdrom and the primary HD, boot sequence is 1:CDROM 2:HD just and only just until the setup has copied all of the windows files into your HD, the change to 1:HD 2:nothing, after reinstalling your OS plug your other HDs and that should solve the problem
This happened to me when my motherboard was overclocked. With no way to remedy the problem I purchased a serial ata pci card. Worked like a charm.

hope this helps.
Did you try to redo your MBR?

Boot from the XP Disk then choose Repair.
Drops you to a command prompt, asks which windows to fix...yada yada.

at the Command Prompt type:

"Are you sure you want to Fix the MBR?"

My friend had this happen to him. The fix for him was the following:

Bios had Raid enabled by default for Sata. Once he disabled it everything booted just fine.