Very strange Windows 8 login issue


Apr 20, 2002
Friend called me and said they can't log into their PC. When I looked at it there's a new email account registered that is unknown to them and no way to change to another user account. I logged into their MS Live account and there's no record of any account info being changed.

Googling turns up nothing. Any ideas?
Please tell me for the love of Pete that said friend didn't do anything like let someone on the phone claiming to be from Microsoft access their system?
I went over and took a look, no idea how it happened and everyone who uses the PC claims they don't know anything about it. Somehow someone took over the owner account and changed the email and password. I was able to boot to a recovery disc and enable the local administrator account. I copied all their files over to a new account and deleted the one that got compromised. Scanned the system and found nothing so no idea how it happened.
Users always claim they did not do anything.

LOL so true and so goddamn annoying. It'll only make IT folks angrier and make the troubleshooting process take longer when you lie or say things because you're embarrassed. Honesty goes a long way with those of us where you show some appreciation and not play us off like idiots.