vent: I have had it with this 4870!


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 30, 2001
This is the last straw with this POS. I will take it to the range and shoot it after my 460 gets here. There just is no fixing this well documented throttling problem. Seriously, how could ATi have missed this major issue? The throttling stops throttling in any game regardless of being stock speed or lowered for that matter. When it stops responding the whole PC hard crashes as if I just hit the power button to turn it off.

Anyone want this thing before I shoot it? Just pay shipping and it's yours. (was just me venting. I won't shoot it. Range probably wouldn't allow me to). Still, I was serious about whoever wants it just paying shipping.

This XFX had probs from the get go. In the beginning I thought my PSU was underpowered...then I bought an 850 watter (can't remember the name. Perhaps PCPnC) or something of that caliber.
There is a fix, I did it with mine, you just have to do a bios flash.

I have tried everything. Not working for this one. My comp has crashed over 10 times in the past hour trying to play. I give up on this thing.
been running an overclocked 4870 here @ 800/1100 and have had no issues. This is a built by ATi card with stock cooler that I have had since it was launched.
Well if you don't want it, I'd be glad to take it off your hands. I enjoy trying to fix these things, and I could always use an extra card for folding
I already received tons of PMs for this card. To be fair I will ship it to the first person that PMed me. The card is now accounted for.

I just feel bad for the guy because as far as I can tell, it is now just a glorified 2d card.
I'll pay you shipping +$20 for it :)

Eh, nvm... i forgot that it doesn't work.
Wouldn't be fair to the guy I already said yes to. hehe

Also, this wasn't really a for sale thread more so than it was me venting.
lol, no it woudln't. No worries, i just got overly excited over a "free" video card. haha
my 4870 was fine. Never gave me any trouble. Its being replaced by a GTX 470 ;)
They only have lifetime warranties if you register within 30 days of purchase...