vCenter Log Insight Config issue?


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 22, 2002
Here's the error:

Normally I would say, yeah..I fat fingered my password..etc....but that's not the case. That's the user account that I use to log into vCenter, it has all the necessary access but barfs every time I try to get Log Insight Connected to vCenter.
Try a different syntax on your username maybe it doesn't like that format. And you can leave the password off the command and it will prompt for it if you want.

On a different note Log Insight is pretty awesome so far...fills a nice gap.
I'm not sure if you are using SSO and all of that fun stuff but, just from a syntax test you could try the username and password in quotes to check for any invalid chars or remove the domain from the username.
Also test the user/pass via powerCLI or another type of auth interface.

Nicholas Farmer
I've tried it all ways...still an issue...this is just weird.
Holy crap..i'm really stumped here. I've tried everything I know to try and it still will not validate the credentials. I'm going to create a new account and give it admin access to vCenter to see if it will work.


Nope..same error..Invalid Credentials....hrmmmmm maybe it's the password it doesn't like with the special character.
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