UT3 Demo SuXorz

Epic has stated that they shipped the demo with lower quality everything to save on download size, the full retail game WILL look better (which is amazing, considering how good it already looks). And if you would read around a little bit, you would discover the menu system is also a placeholder.
Epic has stated that they shipped the demo with lower quality everything to save on download size, the full retail game WILL look better (which is amazing, considering how good it already looks). And if you would read around a little bit, you would discover the menu system is also a placeholder.

And the seriously dumbed down menus and options? What about those?
I honestly don't know what everyone is whining about, the demo looks great to me even before you consider that the quality setting available in the retail release will be higher. I really don't know what people have come to expect. Yes it looks bad without AA, as do all games IMO, that's why I use nhancer or simply rename the .exe so that I can run with plenty of AA. Looks great and still runs great. There are some issues I have with the demo regarding relative strength of some weapons and vehicles, but those are gameplay issues which can be adjusted easily. The graphics look fine to me, and most importantly it's fun to play.

One thing I do really hate though is that the bots are still huge buff whores. I really hope Epic has the sense to include a no-buffs mutator in the final version.
Epic has stated that they shipped the demo with lower quality everything to save on download size, the full retail game WILL look better (which is amazing, considering how good it already looks). And if you would read around a little bit, you would discover the menu system is also a placeholder.
And the seriously dumbed down menus and options? What about those?

Learn to read, I said it in the post you quoted...
Another poor console port I'm not buying. PC games are decaying way too much lately, truly sad.
I would take nothing from the beta demo in regards to quality of the release. However, there will undoubtedly be a release demo that will be much more accurate as to what the gold version will be. The menu will be completely reworked, I'm sure of it. By the way, all the people that are mad about something in the beta demo, there is a beta feedback forum. http://utforums.epicgames.com/forumdisplay.php?f=336. Why not let Epic know?

Also, saying this beta demo is "another poor console port" would be very unfair IMHO. I don't think you will be saying the same with the release version. I mean, the FPS genre wouldn't be what it is today without the Unreal franchise, which will ALWAYS have it's roots in the PC community. I agree there is trend, but this would be the last game I expect to suffer from feeling like a port. -Release version, that is.
I just hate how much of a firing delay there is... even on servers that are "supposedly" low ping. Of course they had to remove the ping indicator once you're in the game...

Am I the only one that notices?
I've never understood why the whole 99 vs 2k* hate. I liked 99, I liked 2k3, I really liked 2k4 (and still play regularly) and so far I'm really liking 2k7, er 'scuse me, "3." Why people feel every sequel has to be a clone of it's predecessors is beyond me. Granted, all the UTs are basically the same game and style of play anyway, but a few nuances between iterations isn't a bad thing IMO.

Beats me...

Only done reading the bunch of posts, but to make the colors not washed out, just turn the gamma down a couple of notches in the game options and set the Post Processing option to "Vivid".
I would take nothing from the beta demo in regards to quality of the release. However, there will undoubtedly be a release demo that will be much more accurate as to what the gold version will be. The menu will be completely reworked, I'm sure of it. By the way, all the people that are mad about something in the beta demo, there is a beta feedback forum. http://utforums.epicgames.com/forumdisplay.php?f=336. Why not let Epic know?

Also, saying this beta demo is "another poor console port" would be very unfair IMHO. I don't think you will be saying the same with the release version. I mean, the FPS genre wouldn't be what it is today without the Unreal franchise, which will ALWAYS have it's roots in the PC community. I agree there is trend, but this would be the last game I expect to suffer from feeling like a port. -Release version, that is.

yeah like that works. i made a post, and while it was rather blunt, i never used foul language or insulted anyone, it was locked in 5 minutes.
I would take nothing from the beta demo in regards to quality of the release. However, there will undoubtedly be a release demo that will be much more accurate as to what the gold version will be. The menu will be completely reworked, I'm sure of it. By the way, all the people that are mad about something in the beta demo, there is a beta feedback forum. http://utforums.epicgames.com/forumdisplay.php?f=336. Why not let Epic know?

Also, saying this beta demo is "another poor console port" would be very unfair IMHO. I don't think you will be saying the same with the release version. I mean, the FPS genre wouldn't be what it is today without the Unreal franchise, which will ALWAYS have it's roots in the PC community. I agree there is trend, but this would be the last game I expect to suffer from feeling like a port. -Release version, that is.

Then you live in a dream world. Why do you think Epic delayed UT3 so much ? Because of the console versions. Also don't forget that Epic was one of the companies saying that piracy was killing PC Gaming. Which was a fun comment to make, at the same time they were clearly shifting their priorities, with Gears of War.
It's marketting and money. That's all. Just like Valve did with Episode 2 and the Orange Box debacle. I understand that, from a a money making company's perspective. However, as an exclusive PC user, I feel bad, because we are not treated with any respect, especially when we were the ones responsible for making these companies, what they are today.

Anyway and on topic. I really hope that the game will look better, with a full demo and obviously, a full game. However, this seems to be a UE3 specific problem, which not even the highest res textures, will improve. Plenty of games that use UE3, also have this extremely washed out look, which IMHO, is not what is expected in a next-gen title. In terms of gameplay elements, it seems everything from past titles, is there and then some, but graphics are a let down at this point.
ok after forcing 16x TMSAA, clamp, and 16xaf, this game looks amazing. its almost night and day compared to having jaggies, i kinda feel bad for ATI owners. hopefully AA will work normal in dx10 mode like epic said. and hopefully rumors about texture resolution being limited in this beta demo are true.
All I know is the demo was a lot of fun at the LAN party I hosted last Saturday. We played it for a few hours and had a blast... :D
Well I like the way it looks (it's UT after all, not some "realistic" war sim). And I like the way it plays. And I even like the menus. I just wish it wouldn't crash on me all the time :( Oh well, fingers crossed for the release version (plus patches, no doubt).
I just purchased an 8800GTS, and this was the first game that I booted up, and I thought that I had wasted all that money on this card. Let's hope that they spruce up things a bit. I thought it would be like all those nice magazine pictures, but it really wasn't.
Well I like the way it looks (it's UT after all, not some "realistic" war sim). And I like the way it plays. And I even like the menus. I just wish it wouldn't crash on me all the time :( Oh well, fingers crossed for the release version (plus patches, no doubt).

UT3 has never crashed on me, not even after renaming the .exe to Bioshock.exe so that SLI would work. It's running smooth as butter even with V-Sync on. Team Fortress 2 on the other hand won't let me play for more than 30-45 seconds before crashing.
I just purchased an 8800GTS, and this was the first game that I booted up, and I thought that I had wasted all that money on this card. Let's hope that they spruce up things a bit. I thought it would be like all those nice magazine pictures, but it really wasn't.

Unknown-One said:
Epic has stated that they shipped the demo with lower quality everything to save on download size, the full retail game WILL look better (which is amazing, considering how good it already looks). And if you would read around a little bit, you would discover the menu system is also a placeholder.

Besides, you honestly can't say it looks that bad.
Pretty technology, ugly game IMO. Has nothing to do with resolution either, I just don't like the art itself so a higher-res texture won't help. I didn't like the look of Gears of War either of course. I liked the sleeker feel of UT2k3, this whole "raw" "grungy" "huge" thing feels a little cheesy. I can understand how someone else might like it, I don't though.
ok after forcing 16x TMSAA, clamp, and 16xaf, this game looks amazing. its almost night and day compared to having jaggies, i kinda feel bad for ATI owners. hopefully AA will work normal in dx10 mode like epic said. and hopefully rumors about texture resolution being limited in this beta demo are true.

Do you know if forcing AA works in Vista? I can't get it to work.
Do you know if forcing AA works in Vista? I can't get it to work.

It only works for XP right now, although it was said that by final release there will be a patch or something that will enable Vista/directX 10 users to use AA. I have to say to a few people in here that yes, the demo runs fine, but for what ever reason, the game feels choopy as hell. And im talking about the single player mode. It isnt as smooth as UT2004, not by a long shot. It looks .....ok, but so far i havent been really all that impressed with the unreal 3 engine in general. Every game ive played with the unreal 3 engine has come off choppy. And no, my rig can handle it just fine. I play my games at 1152x864, with 4xaa and 8xaf, with a 8800GTX overclocked to an ultra just so that i can vsync my games at 85fps, now thats as smooth as you can get and im telling you that unreal 3 engine is just NOT smooth. Ive played it without vsync and its alittle better but i HATE tearing and wont play my games that way. Looks like i got screwed outta my favorite game. I will say that playing UT2004 vsynced at 100fps is silky smooth. I prey they take the 60fps cap OFF UT3!
what does my sig say? it works fine in vista. dont forget to rename the exe to Bioshock.
Just played the demo and as a fan of UT99 and UT2004, the gameplay and graphics were both disappointing to me.
As a big fan of UT2k4 I must say that I thoroughly enjoy UT3 :cool:

I can't wait to see the move from beta to retail, they should have a more refined demo by then too.
Love this game.
