users and ntfs?


Limp Gawd
Jun 30, 2004
i am using slack 10, and i used to be able to read ntfs as user back in 2.4 days and slack 9... but once i switched to 2.6.x i can't get my fstab right for users to read ntfs.. have any of you gotten this to work with 2.6.x if so can you post your fstab or the code i need to get ntfs readable as users.. right now it is read only to root.. and it is annoying to su to watch anime with gmplayer on my windows drive.. or su to listen to music on my windows drive from xmms..

any help would be good thx
/dev/hda1               /mnt/winc       ntfs            noauto,ro,user,umask=0  0 0
/dev/hda5               /mnt/wind       ntfs            noauto,ro,user,umask=0  0 0

you can take the noauto parameter out if you want it to mount at boot.

just curious.. do you have write support for ntfs enabled in your 2.6.x kernel... because i do.. and that may be why users can read it as read only.. i will use your fstab and take out write support and recompile kernel. thx
No I don't have write support. That is extremely experimental. You can corrupt your partitions very easily. Everyone advises against it in its current state.
yup did the trick.. thx.. it was write support that kept it from being able to be read by users.. i just turned it off and it all works..