Usage Monitor Software

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Limp Gawd
Feb 19, 2002
Is the software out there(preferably free). That will monitor and log all user-end operations that go on. Such as websites/pages visited. Programs run, how long, what time, what happened in program. If the burner was used, what was burned.I don't need one that will monitor system processes, but it's fine if it does. And that will go unnoticed by the user? Such as the Event Viewer in administrative tools.
Sirje31337 said:
Is the software out there(preferably free). That will monitor and log all user-end operations that go on. Such as websites/pages visited. Programs run, how long, what time, what happened in program. If the burner was used, what was burned.I don't need one that will monitor system processes, but it's fine if it does. And that will go unnoticed by the user? Such as the Event Viewer in administrative tools.

What purpose will spying on the individual serve?

If this is a business environment, you had better make sure your a$$ is covered before employing such monitoring or an employee could have a field day with what your asking.
No, it's my home PC. I have a friend living with me. And I have suspicions that he's doing things he knows I don't want him doing.
Sirje31337 said:
No, it's my home PC. I have a friend living with me. And I have suspicions that he's doing things he knows I don't want him doing.

If its your PC, then don't let him use it. Otherwise you could be setting yourself up for an invasion of privacy lawsuit if you do not let him know you are monitoring his actions.
Sirje31337 said:
No, it's my home PC. I have a friend living with me. And I have suspicions that he's doing things he knows I don't want him doing.

create an account for his use and restrict it to the level you want
you can employ everything from GPEdit to NTFS permissions

but this is the wrong place to ask for a keylogger ;)
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