US House Pushes for Creation of Military “Space Corps”


Aug 20, 2006
America could soon have a new branch of the military protecting outer space: the US military is being asked to establish a dedicated fighting force for space by lawmakers. The Air Force – which already holds responsibility for national security space programs through “Space Command” – apparently hates the idea, claiming that resources are already very limited and this would just complicate Pentagon matters. Maybe they should hand it over to the Navy, just so we get the space marines we were promised from all that sci-fi.

…backers say the creation of a Space Corps would elevate the priority of space as a war-fighting environment, as countries like China and Russia develop weapons that could neutralize the advantage America now enjoys from its vast network of communications, targeting and navigation satellites. That network includes the Global Positioning System, or GPS, which is currently operated by the Air Force. Rogers said on Thursday that he was “outraged” by the pushback on the proposal from Air Force leadership.
Ah shit, and years down the road the mission is forgotten and twisted, an we will have nukes in space aimed at Russian 'hackers'.
As long as it's near-Earth, let the Air Force and STATCOM/JFCC Space keep handling most of it.

But once we get a number of real crewed ships out there, that's a job for the Navy, or at least a spin-off with naval traditions, experience and culture.
Retarded idea. The last thing we want is a shooting war in space. It would be very easy to make low earth orbit so strewn with debris that no satellite, let alone humans on a space station, could survive there. And any debris above low earth orbit is basically permanent, it won't fall out of orbit in thousands of years.
How exactly do they plan to defend against anti satellite missiles, or maybe they just plan to shoot down everyone else's as well. Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

I guess the Treaties and Principles On Outer Space will just be thrown in the trash like the Paris Agreement :(
It is truly a bizarro world now. What is fact becomes fake and fake become fact.
Those agreements are worthless unless everyone agrees to them otherwise you're just giving your adversary an advantage.
As long as it's near-Earth, let the Air Force and STATCOM/JFCC Space keep handling most of it.

But once we get a number of real crewed ships out there, that's a job for the Navy, or at least a spin-off with naval traditions, experience and culture.

Commercialization of space appears to be happening recently. So one would think of a "Spaceguard" division. "Prepare to be boarded"
Congress probably knows something we don't about the pending alien invasion. I, for one, welcome our alien overlords. I hope they bring cookies.
If it is an alien invasion, I hope it's only for Quarters, and they will settle for putting their laundry in with ours. :)
Now we know what all that extra backer money from Star Citizen is going for. This project will be delayed until backer funding improves.
While I'm not a huge fan of bloated millitary spending, I love the idea of one day being protected by ODSTs.
So, politicians actually watch space movies. Cool. Do they realize though, thats its hollywood green screen? I dont think so. Space war, over time, would only trash any ability to go back into space from all of the debris that would be created by blowing up everything thought to be militarially connected. Old school pictures made it clear that "mans" predilection for blowing up each other, made humans not welcome in the outer space regions. Problem solved. Try to get into outer space and your own garbage you will run into. Could it be possible that the military minded will convince that such a war will only keep humanity out of going further? The Military convincing that its not a war to get into. Lets us all think about this, its more than "MAD". But it keeps us on our planet. Ole school movies win.

And those of us that try to understand the issues wonder if it should be called mans "evolution". Space too. Really! Another place to take our warring selves into. Needs to stop. On the other hand - what better place to expose the insanity of fighting over property than a place that "literally" goes on forever. "Space the final frontier" or more like

"Mine, mine, mine......

Seagulls are funny, crazy aint.
Interesting, curious to see what (if anything) comes of this.

That is the point of a Treaty. Everyone has agreed. The US is reneging.

The US did not agree ... For the US to sign a treaty it needs to go thru the government, not one man. A 2/3 vote in the Senate is required for ratification, the President is allowed to negotiate but not ratify w/o Senate approval the whole we dont want a King thing that happened in the 1700's.....
Congress probably knows something we don't about the pending alien invasion. I, for one, welcome our alien overlords. I hope they bring cookies.

In the case of alien overlords, YOU are the cookie...num num num
The US did not agree ... For the US to sign a treaty it needs to go thru the government, not one man. A 2/3 vote in the Senate is required for ratification, the President is allowed to negotiate but not ratify w/o Senate approval the whole we dont want a King thing that happened in the 1700's.....

On April 25 [1967] the Senate gave unanimous consent to its ratification, and the Treaty entered into force on October 10, 1967.

Sorry to break your partisan thinking with facts
I am referring to the Paris Accord, I misread your comments intent, I saw it as in reference to your Paris Agreement statement, and not the outer space portion, my apologizes. Far from partisan on my side here, simple mis-read on my side.

On April 25 [1967] the Senate gave unanimous consent to its ratification, and the Treaty entered into force on October 10, 1967.

Sorry to break your partisan thinking with facts
Space Corps Directive #34124. No officer with false teeth should attempt oral sex in zero gravity

well done sir.

......but false teeth makes it safer, as long as you take them out. Less chance of scraping the underside. Ewwwww......
Ah so, let me see if I have this right, Congress thinks the Joint Chiefs and the Pentagon don't know what's needed to defend our assets in space, but Congress does? LOLOLOLOL

Give me a break, I bet the first thing that's needed is a multi trillion dollar program, headed in the Chairman and vice chair's home districts? Who wants to bet?
Whomever came up with this idea probably played too much CoD:IW.

And I doubt it would be Star Fleet, more like MACOs. The Navy itself would be Star Fleet.
As long as it's near-Earth, let the Air Force and STATCOM/JFCC Space keep handling most of it.

But once we get a number of real crewed ships out there, that's a job for the Navy, or at least a spin-off with naval traditions, experience and culture.

Ehhhh being in the AF myself, I rather we hold on to it. If anything it would hopefully give me a chance to perform a "cyber" mission in space. But that outcome is highly unlikely....

I believe if it became anything Star Trek/Starship troopers it would spin off from the AF into its own branch. Pretty much like Army Air Core...
As long as it's near-Earth, let the Air Force and STATCOM/JFCC Space keep handling most of it.

But once we get a number of real crewed ships out there, that's a job for the Navy, or at least a spin-off with naval traditions, experience and culture.

JFCC Space is gone at the end of this year...