upgrading from sli 260


Dec 18, 2003
yo yo im really thinking of upgrading my gpus in this rig,

i5 760
16 gigs of ram
ssd drive
asus maximus intel 1150 board

i really like the looks of the EVGA
02G-P4-3771-KR and the reviews are outstanding from what ive read, but for 380 bucks i was wondering is it the best evga out there in this price ranged?

i was thinking of gettting one now and maybe a 2nd one down the road.

or would it be best to sell out the money at once for a 780?

thanks alot for the tips
I always advice to people buy the strongest GPU can afford at the moment.. If you can and have the money to shoot directly to a 780 then no more discuss about that... The same can apply to the 780 if in a future you need more horsepower then you can add another 780.. It will worth all the way.
what resolution are you running? And do you turn everything up to max even sometimes when its best not to? 760Ti demolishes 260 in SLI. Really does depend on resolution you are using and the games you play as always.
i run dual screen both at 1920x1080 and i turn it up to keep it at the best display it can be without dipping into low frames
so both screens are running the game as in one larger screen i.e 1920x1080 spanning, or both are independent 1 running game and other showing desktop i.e extended?

1920x1080 not saying a 780 would not have a use by all means, but a 760Ti or even a 770 would still have a hell of a lot of extra oomph and drive it just fine really compared to what you have now and later on slap another one in if you feel you need that extra kickstart.

There are quite a few other companies then EVGA I am sure you are aware of this cause that does look like a Titan cooler but there are quite a few competing cooling solutions that are as good if not superior (granted Titan cooler is one great looking cooler)
You'd be putting yourself in the best situation by getting an EVGA GTX780 SuperClocked w/ ACX Cooler. It's hard to advise getting anything with less than 3GB VRAM from this point on. Even at 1080p games are starting to spike over 2GB VRAM.

The 780 is at a good price to performance point right now and is worth the cost.
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sorry , both are independent 1 running game and other showing desktop i.e extended

is how i run
considering I have a 7870 2gb playing most games almost maxed to maxed at 1080p no most games do not use 2gb Vram or over, they will use what it needs to use, of course if you have a top of the line card then yes it will use the Vram cause most people will just crank the settings as high as they go and expect miracles, eye candy is great it really is, but I MUCH prefer an optimized experience that runs well and looks pretty then something that looks pretty but runs like shit unless you have top of the line gear.

the dual fans compared to the Titan style cooler do vent most of their hot air into the case so do be sure you have ample airflow in the case.

Any current gen card that uses 2gb Vram be it Radeon or Nvidia
from Radeon 260x-7850-7870-270x-280-7950-7970-280x-290-290x
Nvidia 660Ti-670-680-760Ti-770-780-780Ti are all more then powerful enough for current games to mostly max out or max out at 1080p provided you do not throw AA/AF at max as well.

I would highly recommend looking at many benchmarks of current games instead of asking a rough question as "what should I get" most people will automatically say "Nvidia top of the top" Provided you do not use shit tons of mods or use like 16x anti-aliasing in games which are hardly optimized for current cards then Radeon 7850 or above and 660Ti or above is ample, would say 280x/7970 or 770 would be what I recommend, MSI/Asus make great damn coolers as well, I would not count them out.

Generally speaking
7870-7950 level are best bet for 1080p with some eye candy, 280x/7970 or above for 1440p or above and multi-monitor(Crossfire) or lower but maxed out
Nvidia wise 660Ti-770 for 1080p with some eye candy, 680-780 and such for 1440p or above and multi-monitor(SLI) or lower but maxed out.

Guess the thing is, if you have the $ to throw around, then yeh go for a 780Ti/290x for sure but if you don't, then a 760-770 7970/280x would still give a ton of performance.
I always advice to people buy the strongest GPU can afford at the moment.. If you can and have the money to shoot directly to a 780 then no more discuss about that... The same can apply to the 780 if in a future you need more horsepower then you can add another 780.. It will worth all the way.

THIS, you can ride on a video card for like 5 years and still get good graphics settings. AND if you cpu and mobo allow you can buy a second one when they get really cheap to keep you going for a while.
I always advice to people buy the strongest GPU can afford at the moment.. If you can and have the money to shoot directly to a 780 then no more discuss about that... The same can apply to the 780 if in a future you need more horsepower then you can add another 780.. It will worth all the way.

I agree!! 780 all the way if you can afford it.
I always advice to people buy the strongest GPU can afford at the moment.. If you can and have the money to shoot directly to a 780 then no more discuss about that... The same can apply to the 780 if in a future you need more horsepower then you can add another 780.. It will worth all the way.

I second this. Although I will say coming from a GTX 260 (216 core) part myself not more than 6 months ago. You'll see a huge performance increase despite what you choose. My initial upgrade was to a GTX 660, which rivals in performance to 2 x 460 in performance. This is just from one card that's nearly silent during full operation and runs like a refrigerator with the stock heatsink.

You can't go wrong at this point. Buy the best that you can afford and don't hold back.
thanks all for the advice i agree totally so i decided to go with evga 780 on sale from the egg for 40 bucks off . i seen that as a sign
I second this. Although I will say coming from a GTX 260 (216 core) part myself not more than 6 months ago. You'll see a huge performance increase despite what you choose. My initial upgrade was to a GTX 660, which rivals in performance to 2 x 460 in performance. This is just from one card that's nearly silent during full operation and runs like a refrigerator with the stock heatsink.

You can't go wrong at this point. Buy the best that you can afford and don't hold back.
