upgrading 470 gtx ...


Aug 26, 2007
so i'm trying to get ready for BF3...i currently own a 470 gtx... im thinking of upgrading just to get the max out of BF3... so here are my options..

1. keep the 470, BUT buy another one for SLI considering, prices for these cards are getting cheaper
2. sell 470, buy 480 gtx instead (i wouldnt consider this because i believe that the 470 sli's would be a better option and save money as well)
3. sell 470, buy a 570 gtx
4. sell 470, buy a 580 gtx
5. wait because theres something new coming out...

so what do you guys think? thanks
Wait until BF3 comes out then decide. I really can't see why all these BF3 threads are popping out. Why not wait until reputable sites review the games with current cards then decide? Sure if you have to end up upgrading the cards you're aiming for might drop just a little? I mean why not if your current card is satisfactory playing other games. I don't see a 470 struggling at 1080p besides the three or four obvious games.
um how do you get ready for a game when you do not even know what it requires???? so how about just using some common sense and waiting to see some official info? if that old Q6600 is stock then you are not going to see much of improvement in any game with a gpu faster than your gtx470.

btw i will address you options though

1. you better have one hell of a power supply and be playing at 1920x1080/1200 or above and you will need that Q6600 oced VERY high to come close to pushing gtx470 SLI. you also better be almost deaf to handle 2 loud cards like that.

2. that is a stupid choice to replace it with a gtx480 which is only slightly faster gpu that's even louder.

3. that is silly because its pretty small upgrade going to a gtx570 over your gtx470.

4. that option makes a little bit of sense but again you better have that cpu oced by quite a bit.

5. nothing new is coming from Nvidia anytime soon.
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We know that the demos/videos were run on a GTX580. That said i would go for nothing less than a 580, either that or wait to see what AMD release at the end of this year, but that will not be their high-end stuff so you may be waiting for March next year for the next big players from both companies.
The Q6600 will bottleneck whatever you choose though, unless you have it well over 4Ghz in which i doubt.

btw, i'm in the same boat, i have a GTX470 at the moment and i'm upgrading just before BF3, i'm thinking of getting a decent GTX580 probably the ASUS Matrix or the MSI equivalent. Or i may stretch to a 6990 or 590.
Id keep that card till you see how it performs with BF3. At which point you can see if there have been any rumors of next gen cards, if there have been no rumors get another 470 for less money and SLI them. Then sell those cards as a pair for near what you would pay for a mid/high range card next time around.
Wait until BF3 is released and see if there are any new cards out (AMD?). If not look for sales around Black Friday, Buy a GTX 580 and sell your GTX 470.
um how do you get ready for a game when you do not even know what it requires???? so how about just using some common sense and waiting to see some official info? if that old Q6600 is stock then you are not going to see much of improvement in any game with a gpu faster than your gtx470.

btw i will address you options though

1. you better have one hell of a power supply and be playing at 1920x1080/1200 or above and you will need that Q6600 oced VERY high to come close to pushing gtx470 SLI. you also better be almost deaf to handle 2 loud cards like that.

2. that is a stupid choice to replace it with a gtx480 which is only slightly faster gpu that's even louder.

3. that is silly because its pretty small upgrade going to a gtx570 over your gtx470.

4. that option makes a little bit of sense but again you better have that cpu oced by quite a bit.

5. nothing new is coming from Nvidia anytime soon.

system is not stock, im running at 3.3 44c 60c max load. although im not trying to stress it out as much as i can though. trying to keep the thing alive as long as possible lol. so what are you considering? you seem to not like nvidia :T
system is not stock, im running at 3.3 44c 60c max load. although im not trying to stress it out as much as i can though. trying to keep the thing alive as long as possible lol. so what are you considering? you seem to not like nvidia :T

If you must, I'd suggest a second 470; its the most economical option and performs better than a 580 in many situations.
I'm a dedicated Nvidia fanboy, but even I have to say, the 470/480's cooling solutions were _not_ the greatest.
470gtx SLI beats a 580, and in some tests REALLY beats a 580. You can get a 470 for $140 shipped used, so that would be by far the most economical option.
Well, unless you want to run the hacked drivers you won't get SLI on a p35.... aside from that, and normally I do like multi gpu setups, but in your case I think the risk of getting cpu / mem bw bound is high. If you start texture swapping you'll get stuttering as your system struggles to keep up with the gpus.. Anyways, if you are set on upgrading, I'd go for nothing less than a 580 to make the leap worth it performance-wise...
I've considered this same future upgrade myself, hoping that a Antec 750W will handle a second 470GTX.
I've considered this same future upgrade myself, hoping that a Antec 750W will handle a second 470GTX.
you will be okay unless you start doing some excessive overclocking on your gpus and cpu. I certainly would not add any additional voltage to a gtx470 sli setup with that psu. and do not push that i7 real high as it too can consume way more power with additional voltage and high clocks.
Everything is running on stock voltages/clocks right now and will stay that way unless my CPU needs more to keep up with a GPU; but I don't foresee that being an issue.

Good to know then, so I have a relatively easy option should a single 470GTX not be sufficient enough to run BF3 when it's released. They should be much cheaper by then too.
Go with the 580, at is makes the most sense. Buying another old gen 470 for SLI doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Sell your old card and save that cash for a newer, faster card like the 580. Your CPU is going to be the new bottleneck, so I'd consider upgrading that as well. The game was demoed on a 580, so you can feel pretty confident it will run well on that. Nothing new is coming out in the next few months.

Another cheaper alternative would be to buy one of the OC 570's and buy another one after the game comes out if you think you need more power.
Go with the 580, at is makes the most sense. Buying another old gen 470 for SLI doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Sell your old card and save that cash for a newer, faster card like the 580. Your CPU is going to be the new bottleneck, so I'd consider upgrading that as well. The game was demoed on a 580, so you can feel pretty confident it will run well on that. Nothing new is coming out in the next few months.

Another cheaper alternative would be to buy one of the OC 570's and buy another one after the game comes out if you think you need more power.
um what? not that I would want to fool with gtx470 sli but it would blow away a gtx580 while be being MUCH cheaper. and no his i7 cpu would not be much of a bottleneck at all especially with just a mild oc.
...so how about just using some common sense and waiting to see some official info?

...that is a stupid choice to replace it with a gtx480...

Where the hell you get off being obnoxious and condescending at the same time to people who are just asking for advice? If you can't give advice without coming off like a douche and indirectly attempt to insult people, stay off the fucking forums.

This isn't your first time where you came off this way so quit this shit. I've seen other posts that you made where you came off the same way.

I can't believe mods haven't said something to you already.
um what? not that I would want to fool with gtx470 sli but it would blow away a gtx580 while be being MUCH cheaper. and no his i7 cpu would not be much of a bottleneck at all especially with just a mild oc.

Read his specs again. He has a q6600, not an i7. Look up the bench results of a 470 sli vs a 580. It's not exactly "blowing away" a 580. He could easily overclock his 580 to compensate for what gain a 470 sli might give in a particular game. If he wants to invest in an older, hotter, and louder card, then he has that right, but I wouldn't do it. I'd get a 570 or 580 now and SLI later once he knows if he needs the extra muscle for his resolution and graphic detail needs. He will sleep better knowing that a 570 or 580 SLI will still be going strong next year when the 470s won't.
Where the hell you get off being obnoxious and condescending at the same time to people who are just asking for advice? If you can't give advice without coming off like a douche and indirectly attempt to insult people, stay off the fucking forums.

This isn't your first time where you came off this way so quit this shit. I've seen other posts that you made where you came off the same way.

I can't believe mods haven't said something to you already.
because its silly to ask about an unreleased game and you know it. I am not the only person who just wonders why so many people have to ask about upgrading or how their pc will perform in something that nobody will even know yet. yes I am blunt but so are plenty of other people here.

and all you do is just jump on me just to stir crap up every chance you get. you just cant stand it when someone posts a fact or has an opinion other than yours. somehow your magical unique experiences are more accurate than all other tech sites. you just need to grow up and stop dragging that silly grudge you have just because you dislike when I post links to actual reviews.
because its silly to ask about an unreleased game and you know it.

Doesn't matter. It's only your opinion. And it's silly because people don't think the same way as you do?

I am not the only person who just wonders why so many people have to ask about upgrading or how their pc will perform in something that nobody will even know.

Then don't throw your two cents in. Because you had to write something that wasn't in line with your beliefs, you have opened yourself up to criticism of others towards you by the shit you wrote.

yes I am blunt but so are plenty of other people here.

You're kidding me right? No, you are not blunt, you are condescending and obnoxious. There is a difference. You can be as blunt as you want to be without trying to indirectly insult people. You are not doing that.

and all you do is just jump on me just to stir crap up every chance you get.

This is funny. You open yourself up to all this shit. If you would have kept your indirectly insulting posts to yourself and we wouldn't be having this chat. You still don't see it do you. I guess it's pretty fucking hopeless, lol.

you just cant stand it when someone posts a facts or has an opinion other that yours. somehow your magical unique experiences are more accurate than all other tech sites

Are you talking about yourself? Because it seems to me that you're the one that gets offended when people don't agree with the shit that you spew about things that you've only "read" about without having first hand experience. Even when there are people who continuously tell you that their "experience" has been positive with a certain card, you say that it can't be true because the review sites that you visited said so.

Really? So, um, if you read it in the internets, it must be true, huh? Lol.
sorry but you are a freaking joke. you will disagree with several tech sites even if they have the same conclusion yet proclaim your experiences are what users can actually expect. so the tech sites just post nonsense to you that cannot possibly be true but we are supposed to believe what you say? you are like the ignorant kid with their parents car claiming how fast it is no matter what the actual facts are...
you just need to grow up and stop dragging that silly grudge you have just because you dislike when I post links to actual reviews.

Lol. You went and changed your post again cuz this wasn't in there when you first posted... can never do it right the first time, can you?

Grow up? Grudge? Lol.

You really crack me up. Really, I was laughing in my chair when I read this.

There is no grudge. I just can't help myself from responding to the idiotic shit you write sometimes. The sad thing is, you really don't see how you come off as a douche.

About growing up... you'll get a kick out of the shit you wrote in these forums when you're older, I'll guarantee it.
and its sad that your life has come down to looking through my posts just to pick out stuff you do not like. and yes it is a grudge you have and most people would grow up and move on. I am sure you are getting ready to pounce right now in a thread where I said something was 30% faster yet you found it to be 40% faster...
sorry but you are a freaking joke. you will disagree with several tech sites even if they have the same conclusion yet proclaim your experiences are what users can actually expect. so the tech sites just post nonsense to you that cannot possibly be true but we are supposed to believe what you say? you are like the ignorant kid with their parents car claiming how fast it is no matter what the actual facts are...

How many times have others came forward and stated that their experience with a certain card was positive? It wasn't just me. Perhaps you should go back and read some of the posts made by others. But you could never accept that as the expert reviewers, aka "parents", that you read the reviews from supposedly told you otherwise. If 9 out of 10 users say that their upgrade was positive, they are all smoking crack? Again, you crack me up.

You sound like someone who for his entire life was told that world was flat and that's what you believed because that's what you were taught... and never attempted to find out for yourself.

Sometimes, you just need be a little bit adventurous to go out and find out for yourself if somethings are true or not.
I apologize if I missed it, but what screen/resolution are you running? You may be surprised to see how well that 470 holds up on a single screen.

I have run 470SLI for over a year now and have been very pleased with their performance and by most benchmarks I have seen they still rate very well.

Yes, they are loud and hot when gaming on NVSurround but I never notice the fan noise when gaming because I am wearing headphones or have the speakers rocking. The heat can be an issue in the summer.

If you need the extra power I would recommend spending the $140 and getting another 470 and then upgrade if needed. Here is the Fermi PSU Guide Kyle and Paul posted and they recommended 750W for 470 SLI on a high-end system.
I would not run 2 gtx470's with a q6600 @ 3.4, thats a waste. Unless you are running at 2500x1600.
keep gtx470, buy the gtx 470 one more
it should be cheaper and rise ur effective
I'd lurk around EVGA B-stock for another 470 (about $160), or a pair of GTX460's ($220). Granted when I ordered 2 GTX460's one was bad, so I gotta wait 2 weeks for another one, but the one that did work runs nice at GTX560 frequencies and runs almost as fast as the CFX 5770's they are replacing.
As long as you pay the extra for the ear defenders. I'm not sure I'd want to run used cards at the 96C+ operating temperatures of SLI 470s either, that raises some concerns about longevity. Great value for money no doubt, but not necessarily the option I'd recommend - I'd say use overclocked GTX460 SLI over 470s generally speaking.