UPgraded to 5870 can i keep a gtx280 in too?


Limp Gawd
Feb 13, 2003
Just curious, I heard I could offload Physx to it with a hack. Anyone run a setuo like this, could I switch to the 280 if I had issues with certain games? (Saboteur pre patch springs to mind. I dont really want to sell the 280 but I'd rather not have to have a second gaming system
With Vista no chance, it cannot load more than one display driver.
With XP and Windows 7, yes you can do what you wish.
To change video adapter, In the game select which video adapter you wish to use.
Remember even in windows 7 you must use the hacked drivers, or old drivers to use physx.
The newer Nvidia drivers have blocked the use of physx with a ATI card present.
I have also heard of some modified drivers to use ati cards with physx though =/
Yes you can hack the nVidia drivers to allow for the GTX 280 to handle PhysX. It's not difficult but it is sort of a PITA especially if you plan to update drivers often as you will have to reinstall the nvidia drivers and re-hack them each time.

That said, a GTX 280 is so much overkill for PhysX you really should sell it if you have no other use. I have a 275 for PhysX and it's a complete waste too, it gets used for 2 games I rarely play :(
-- Yes you can so long as you're on XP or W7
-- You will need a patch for forceware 185 and above
-- You will need more than one screen or a VGA monitor pin trick (guide below shows resistors used, i've done it with just bending out some paper clips.)
-- A GTX 280 is a bit overkill at the moment, not sure about the future though
-- You may be better off selling the GTX280 if you're not going to play many (if any) physx enabled games, though more may come...

If you want to keep it for physx or/and have one monitor here's a guide
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Thank you everyone for your helpful comments, Im gonna keep the 280 I think rather than sell it for the pittance the go for on UK ebay (compared to what I paid for it anyway)