Upgrade 1050T to a FX-8150?


Limp Gawd
Jul 30, 2008
Just looking at a potential upgrade & was wondering if anyone thought its a good/bad idea to upgrade from a 1050T to an FX-8150. I have an AM3+ mobo so it looks as though I can do it. But does the price justify any performance gain I might see.




Side options.
Dave Mustaine Live Wire pickups for my EC-401, or another 7850 for xfire.
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i would go with the 2nd 7850, or save your cash for the 8350 later this year, that will be more of an upgrade for you(from what it looks like)
i would go with the 2nd 7850, or save your cash for the 8350 later this year, that will be more of an upgrade for you(from what it looks like)

All of this ^^^ Also perhaps get 8GB of RAM insrtead of the 4. Upgrading to an SSD isnt a bad option either...
OP, what are you doing and what are you wanting?

Unless this is the itchy-fingers-want-new-toys-syndrome, I'd wait. Things like SSD or another GPU are options, depending on what you want.
If you're only going to lightly overclock the Bulldozer you purchase (like your 1050T), you won't notice a big improvement.

Really, an x6 at your current core speed trades blows with the stock FX-8150:


You'd have to overclock to ~4.5 GHz to get a respectable upgrade. Are you prepared to do this?

And again, it would be nice if you told us what you are doing. What tasks are you performing that heavily load your CPU?
I recently went from a 1090 to a 8150 mainly because I wanted something new to play with. My 1090 topped out at 4.0 and at 4.0 the FX was slower. I've got it at 4.35 right now as that's all my Hyper 212 will handle and at that speed it is a little faster. Once I get a better cooler and get up to 4.5 or better it'll be a good little upgrade.

Since your X6 is at 3.2, a 3.6 FX would be a decent upgrade and if you overclock it well into the 4's it would be even better. You'd also.be better off going for the 8120 as it's a good bit cheaper. I went with the 8150 because its higher binned and that might possibly mean its a little better overclocker and overclocking was the main reason I was upgrading.

If you're not wanting to do any serious overclocking of use a good CPU cooler, you're probably better off waiting til Piledriver hits.
OP, what are you doing and what are you wanting?

Unless this is the itchy-fingers-want-new-toys-syndrome, I'd wait. Things like SSD or another GPU are options, depending on what you want.

Itchy fingers may be a bit of it. Basically I am looking to smooth out some frame rates at 1080p & I am thinking my CPU may be more of a bottleneck then my GPU is at this point, comparing what I see with benchmarks like a 25k+ Intel & a comparable GPU.

If you're only going to lightly overclock the Bulldozer you purchase (like your 1050T), you won't notice a big improvement.

Really, an x6 at your current core speed trades blows with the stock FX-8150:


You'd have to overclock to ~4.5 GHz to get a respectable upgrade. Are you prepared to do this?

And again, it would be nice if you told us what you are doing. What tasks are you performing that heavily load your CPU?

Light OC would most likely be it unless 4.5+ is pretty simple & easily attainable. Along with what I wrote to Skripka I intend an entire Comp upgrade during Tax return season either this year or next. I have some other purchases in mind so I am unsure yet if it will be this coming return.
Basically I am looking to smooth out some frame rates at 1080p & I am thinking my CPU may be more of a bottleneck then my GPU is at this point

Remember that an 8W atom CPU can play 1080p smoothly with GPU acceleration so to me its doubtful whatever problem you are having is CPU related since your CPU is leaps and bounds more powerful than an atom.
Remember that an 8W atom CPU can play 1080p smoothly with GPU acceleration so to me its doubtful whatever problem you are having is CPU related since your CPU is leaps and bounds more powerful than an atom.

I'm guessing you mean video. I'm talking frame rates in games. Perhaps I should have stated games.
Edit: Currently playing D3, Skyrim, I have BF3 installed but not playing atm. Also FarCry2, Red Orchestra 2, SS3. I got Dirt Showdown free with my 7850 but I haven't played it yet.
FX is probably not really worth the update for PhII x6 owners. 2/3/4 core users sure (least the 6/8 cores)
It depends on the CPU speed. FX is slower than X6 clock for clock but with a 400 MHz advantage, the FX will be faster. So if OP's X6 is at 3.2 and he gets a 3.6 FX, itll be an increase albeit not much. But since itll do 4.4 on stock voltage most likely, it wont be hard to bump it up that much and with a 1.2 Ghz speed advantage, an FX-8120 would be a sizeable upgrade. Also, the key with the FX processors is in overclocking via the FSB or HT Reference Clock or whatever its called now. With Phenom II's, the FSB made no difference over overclocking with the multiplier but with FX, using the FSB makes a very big difference. Youll also want to bump up the HT Link for FX as well as the CPU/NB. Again with the Phenom, the HT Link speed made no difference but with the Bulldozer architecture, it does. Ive benchmarked with all the different variations and using FSB for clock speed then bumping the HT Link and CPU/NB to around 2400 (works best if theyre close to the same speed for some reason) is what yielded the best results.
Don't waste cash - keep 1050T or buy K series SB/IB for a real upgrade.

Yeah, for $60 more plus the price of a new motherboard and copy of Windows 7 not to mention having to reinstall your OS again. Yeah the i5 route would be a better upgrade but not worth the money and hassle involved compared to just dropping a new FX proc in.
If you say so... It costed me 150 euro to get rid of 1055T and mobo to get 2500K and mobo after selling old parts.
Not sure what the OP is doing if it's gaming then I can't see the point really smoothing out frame rates is best done with the GPU
Not sure what the OP is doing if it's gaming then I can't see the point really smoothing out frame rates is best done with the GPU

Sometimes it's the processor that makes the biggest difference as his 7850 should be fine for most games today. If his 6 core was overclocked to @ 4.0 I'd wager that his frames would smooth out more.

@OP. Here is my experience with a 8120. Just messing with the multiplier should get you to 3.9 with the stock cooler. You can get to 4.2 and a cheap aftermarket cooler. 4.5+ requires a nice aftermarket cooler.

If you want to OC using the FSB it's a little more trial and error but you can do it. Ask for some base starting numbers and see what you get. Going to tweak mine as I got some Corsair 1866 memory installed yesterday.
OC'ed my 1055T to 3.6 Ghz. Not sure how much better it is over 3.2 Ghz since I didn't run any benches.
Make sure you overclock the CPU/NB as well. I think it was Tom's Hardware that did a comparison a while back and a X4 with 2.6 CPU/NB and 3.6 clock outperformed one with stock NB and 4.0 clock.
At this time, you'd probably not see much improvement in most apps, and maybe fair improvement in some apps.

I agree with gentle, that you should hold onto your money, wait to see what Piledriver can do, and then assess from there.
At this time, you'd probably not see much improvement in most apps, and maybe fair improvement in some apps.

I agree with gentle, that you should hold onto your money, wait to see what Piledriver can do, and then assess from there.

I'll most likely either get nothing or one of my previous (OP) side options. Pile Driver won't matter much to me as far as just a CPU upgrade since I believe it takes FM2 socket & my current mobo is AM3+. If I have to upgrade the mobo & potentially the mem as well then all options will be on the table at that point.
I'll most likely either get nothing or one of my previous (OP) side options. Pile Driver won't matter much to me as far as just a CPU upgrade since I believe it takes FM2 socket & my current mobo is AM3+. If I have to upgrade the mobo & potentially the mem as well then all options will be on the table at that point.

Piledriver will use AM3+ and come out in 3 to 5 months.
Piledriver will use AM3+ and come out in 3 to 5 months.

Ok, I'll take your word for since I admittedly am not totally current on a lot of hardware these days.

Just ran a Passmark bench & the CPU score was 6995.2 which puts it (according to this chart) just under the FX-8120, with an FX-8150 score at 8259. A stock clock score on the PII-1055T is 5182.

I know this doesn't give a full indication, but as I said I didn't run any benches before the OC from 3.2 to 3.6. Suppose if I get board I could just down clock to 3.2 & run more then just passmark (PerformanceTest).
The only worth while CPU upgrade from your current setup would be a sandy or ivy bridge i5/i7
I'll most likely either get nothing or one of my previous (OP) side options. Pile Driver won't matter much to me as far as just a CPU upgrade since I believe it takes FM2 socket & my current mobo is AM3+. If I have to upgrade the mobo & potentially the mem as well then all options will be on the table at that point.

Piledriver will be AM3+ compatible.

AMD's Trinity, which is their A-10 APU based on Piledriver cores, will use FM2. You shouldn't have to replace your motherboard if you're going to use the standard Piledriver CPU.
I understand the itchy finger upgrade syndrome, and bulldozer is fun to tweak / overclock ... but if you have a six core thuban running 4ghz, your bulldozer would need a huge overclock to match that.

Also bulldozer overclock chugs a lot of electrical current -- stresses your motherboard / psu more. Id hold off until the piledriver 8350 comes out...
I don't think it would be a good idea to go from a 1055T to a 8150.At best a side upgrade.
I understand the itchy finger upgrade syndrome, and bulldozer is fun to tweak / overclock ... but if you have a six core thuban running 4ghz, your bulldozer would need a huge overclock to match that.

Also bulldozer overclock chugs a lot of electrical current -- stresses your motherboard / psu more. Id hold off until the piledriver 8350 comes out...

Bulldozer isn't that bad man. My motherboard hasn't gone up in smoke running OC'd 24/7 since the day the chips launched. My electricity bill last month with my A/C running 24/7 also was less than $120. It works great!

Now would I advise him to go from a 6 core to the current BD chips? Heck no as it's at best a side grade. But please don't make up things to push your point home as it makes people discredit all your good intentions.

Get this: "Dave Mustaine Live Wire pickups for my EC-401"
and a vintage all Tube Marshall Stack:D
I understand the itchy finger upgrade syndrome, and bulldozer is fun to tweak / overclock ... but if you have a six core thuban running 4ghz, your bulldozer would need a huge overclock to match that.

Also bulldozer overclock chugs a lot of electrical current -- stresses your motherboard / psu more. Id hold off until the piledriver 8350 comes out...

Not really. My 8150 at 4.35 slightly outperforms my old 1090 at 4.0 GHz. And it does that on virtually stock voltage (1.37). Now thats definitely not gonna be worth it in terms of performance to dollars though, Im just saying that you only need about 400 extra MHz for a 8120 to outdo a X6.

Now the power chugging, youre right on. My 1090 showed 141 watts in HWMonitor but shows 203 with my FX! So yeah, youll definitely wants a nice beefy motherboard.
Bulldozer isn't that bad man. My motherboard hasn't gone up in smoke running OC'd 24/7 since the day the chips launched. My electricity bill last month with my A/C running 24/7 also was less than $120. It works great!

Now would I advise him to go from a 6 core to the current BD chips? Heck no as it's at best a side grade. But please don't make up things to push your point home as it makes people discredit all your good intentions.


Your board not going up in smoke and your electric bill being $120 doesn't exactly make anything he said wrong or in anyway misleading. If anything, your reply was the one twisting his original comments, not the other way around. So I'll conclude by saying, please don't make up things to push your point home as it makes people discredit all your good intentions. ;)