Updated AM2 Pricecuts from DailyTech


Limp Gawd
Jun 21, 2004
I stumbled on this DailyTech article detailing the price cuts. Looks like in face of Conroe AMD has lowered prices even more. Check it out.

Here's the list

EDIT: No longer "hot linked"

Perhaps people WILL have a reason to go AMD in the coming weeks.
cr0w said:

Perhaps people WILL have a reason to go AMD in the coming weeks.

Ahhh... back to the good ol days where all you heard was "sure, your P4 is faster... but AMD is cheaper." :D Yea, so is a honda civic... still wouldn't buy one. LOL
Poncho said:
Ahhh... back to the good ol days where all you heard was "sure, your P4 is faster... but AMD is cheaper." :D Yea, so is a honda civic... still wouldn't buy one. LOL

Yes but Civics are good cars for those who don't have tons of money to spend, just like AM2 is as far as procs go.

Not everyone has near unlimited funds (I'm a poor college kid).
Also, what's the point of the 10/23/06 collumn, as far as I can tell it's all the exact same numbers?
cr0w said:
Also, what's the point of the 10/23/06 collumn, as far as I can tell it's all the exact same numbers?

In the article they said that there were rumors of more price cuts in time for the holidays, most marked 10/23 as the date as the second round of price cuts. The article was actually about the fact that AMD denied that there were any price cuts coming on 10/23. i just noticed that the 7/24 cuts were lower than the last set released.
I want an AMD64 3800+ AM2. $149 is pretty damn good price if I can sell my ram, processor, and videocard.
Adionik said:
Why are the 3700+'s not dropping? 1mb cache?
all 1mb chips are being phased out, so it won't really be around for a price cut. But I love how the x2 3800 just keeps droping makeing me want to up grade more to it from a 3700+
Poncho said:
Ahhh... back to the good ol days where all you heard was "sure, your P4 is faster... but AMD is cheaper." :D Yea, so is a honda civic... still wouldn't buy one. LOL
I don't get it. The same people who bought a Pentium D because it was the cheaper (but not best performing) solution now question why others wouldn't buy a more expensive (and better performing) Conroe. Brand loyalty goes too far if you're cutting yourself short just to stay true to a huge company barely aware of your existence.

Shouldn't people just buy the best bang for the buck solution within their budget? I have an Opteron 939 system right now, but will move on to Conroe for my new computer so I can get the most for my money.
282 for a 5000+x2!

hot damn. That's what a 3800+ x2 is goin for right now on the egg...

what a magical day it will be.
Dang! I just built my AM2 system with a 3200+. I'll go with the X2 3880+ in about three months or so. But I'm happy with it. I haven't gamed yet because I got a defective EVGA 7900GT. RMA is on the way though.
This is great! Glad I waited. The 35W EE models look to be decently priced too.
the A64 3500 will be priced cheaper than Sempron 3600. why would anybody buy the Sempron?
enelson125 said:
Yes but Civics are good cars for those who don't have tons of money to spend, just like AM2 is as far as procs go.

Not everyone has near unlimited funds (I'm a poor college kid).

The majority of first generation self-made millionaires buy used cars like this in full...I drive a truck, but I would buy a civic. Most Americans have been brainwashed into thinking your vechicle is a status symbol.
Looks like I'll be picking up an X2 in the next couple weeks for my AM2 rig.
DarkfallFan said:
The majority of first generation self-made millionaires buy used cars like this in full...I drive a truck, but I would buy a civic. Most Americans have been brainwashed into thinking your vechicle is a status symbol.

It was a joke... jesus. Humor need not apply around here I guess. :rolleyes:
Poncho said:
It was a joke... jesus. Humor need not apply around here I guess. :rolleyes:

Intel Fan boys need not apply, that's the main message, captain.
enelson125 said:
LOL it's funny how a processor release can put everyone at each others' throats.

Isn't it? It would be awesome if the Intel Fan Boys would stay in their forum, and the AMD Fan Boys could stay in theirs. They should have a registration system. Like voting.
yeah, i dont see why.

on one side you have uber cheap price drops, which are only good things for consumers, and on the other you have SUPER cheap netburst dual cores mixed in with conroe.

cheap anything = happy people = not at eachothers throats.

cept this forum is a sausagefest so go figure.
I'm kind of interested in the overclockability of the low wattage parts. Have there been any previews? If so, any links?
DarkStar02 said:
Makes me kinda upset that my opteron 170 I bought for 410 is about to be worth like 100 :(

Doesn't make me feel great about my $270 Opteron 165, either. Eh. Shit happens, hardware gets obsoleted.
DarkStar02 said:
Makes me kinda upset that my opteron 170 I bought for 410 is about to be worth like 100 :(

Computer parts, like cars depreciate the moment you take them home. :(
I was going to go conroe, but its hard to justify $700 for parts when I can just slap in a new processor and be fine. The socket 939 X2 5000 is looking good.

If I were building new I would still be going conroe. Depends on how much disposable I have before Christmas I guess.
Tutelary said:
I was going to go conroe, but its hard to justify $700 for parts when I can just slap in a new processor and be fine.

If I were building new I would still be going conroe. Depends on how much disposable I have before Christmas I guess.

That's my thought too. Plus the 2 gigs of memory I want are $489.
Pooky said:
That's my thought too. Plus the 2 gigs of memory I want are $489.

yeah. Conroe = new ram, new mobo, new processor.
say 200+150+325 = 675
$285 for an X2 5000+

I think I'll step up to the 5000+ and give my brother my current X2 3800. He can buy his own damn motherboard :p

hell If I want to spend $700 I can get a fat ass new videocard and a new hard drive as well.
Question...are these projected retail prices or what the vendor pays wholesale from AMD?
joemama said:
Question...are these projected retail prices or what the vendor pays wholesale from AMD?

wholesale I'm assuming. tack on 15-35$ or so. The $149 for the X2 3800 which is indicated sits nicely with the $165 figure that was going around for retail pricing for the same processor.

these are usually in what, quantities of 1000?
Tutelary said:
wholesale I'm assuming. tack on 15-35$ or so. The $149 for the X2 3800 which is indicated sits nicely with the $165 figure that was going around for retail pricing for the same processor.

these are usually in what, quantities of 1000?
actually places like newegg will have them for around that price. most of the time their prices are below what AMD has listed as long as that are not in very high demand.
Tutelary said:
yeah. Conroe = new ram, new mobo, new processor.
say 200+150+325 = 675
$285 for an X2 5000+

I think I'll step up to the 5000+ and give my brother my current X2 3800. He can buy his own damn motherboard :p

hell If I want to spend $700 I can get a fat ass new videocard and a new hard drive as well.
You'd have to upgrade to AM2 also.
After seeing those prices I think I just.....ahhh...yup..:D

I cant believe it was a LOT lower than we all thought. The 4600+ looks nice for me :D