Unreal Tournament 2004 Texture Popping? HELP?


Nov 25, 2001
OK heres my problem in a nut shell!

I have been playing UT2k4 since its release without a problem. Then as the time went by I installed new drivers for my card and still no problem. Then one day I start playing UT2k4 and suddenly the game runs like crap and the textures DISAPPEAR and then REAPPEAR while I am playing?

I am stumped I have uninstalled and reinstalled my drivers but that didn't fix it.

I went back to the drivers that did work but that didn't fix it!

I have reinstalled this GIGANTIC F'ing game 4 times already and still same problem! I have patched the game across the board every time and still the problem persists.

And too make things worse its only this game I am having problems with lately! 1942,RainbowSix3,Call of Duty, Tron 2 and Enemy Territory all run great so it can't be my vid card!

The only thing I can think of is the patches I downloaded from FILEFRONT{F'erFront, as I call this crap site} where BAD of somekind! Thats only thing I can think of people!

Any thoughts or help from anybody would be deeply appreciated!
Try cleaning out your UT2004\Cache folder.

Sometimes some of the stupid plugins/mods screw things up. UTSecure seems to cause my system to lock up.