Ummm, not good


Jul 11, 2002
In the process oof installing a new video card, GF FX5200, and I got it installed to the point where it restarts the computer, but now it gets just past the loading screen of windows 2k. Right after that I get a blue screen that flashes by too quick to read, the automatic restart, does this non-stop. It won't even let me into safe mode. What's happening???
Try putting the old one back in and see if that helps. Of course, without the message, it's harder to tell.
Hehe,I can't put the old one in, that's why I have the new one. My Ti4400 stopped working last night.

It started fine before when I first put it in, it wasn't untill the drivers were installed from the disk that I had this problem.
Originally posted by Mekanic01
Hehe,I can't put the old one in, that's why I have the new one. My Ti4400 stopped working last night.

It started fine before when I first put it in, it wasn't untill the drivers were installed from the disk that I had this problem.

Drivers off the retail disk that came with the card? Trash those -- they're usually outdated by the time they get into the box -- for newer ones. That's all I can think of. . . as to how to get back into Windows, try the dead card otherwise, I dunno.
The dead card doesn't work, I can't even get to the BIOS with that one. Hell, I can't even get past the diagnostics on post with it before my mobo starts screamin at me.
Any other suggestions?

BTW, in about 2 hrs, I'll be hooking up my 80g hard drive to install XP on it, clean install of everything, I just wanted to get the vid card installed to make sure all works properly.

Think it's a OS/Software problem? Gawd I hope so, after I get XP installed on the 80g, then my 20g can be used for data storage, and it'll be ok for me to reformat.
Sounds like driver issue. System trys to initialise for your old vidcard. Old vidcard not present. Bad driver. System reboot.

That would be my guess.
when I put the driver disk in, it said that the drivers for the previous card were still in the system, and asked if I wanted them removed, and then did something, said the were removed and that the comp needed to be restarted.

After the restart, I proceeded with the installation of the new drivers, then got the usual "you must restart for the installation to be complete" message, then restarted. And here I am.

IF this is the problem, and it is the old drivers that are causing this, how do I get them out if I can't get into windows?
Originally posted by Ben-mod
why did the old card stop working?
No sure, but I took it out to install memory, when I put it back in it didn't work anymore. And yes, I did put it into another comp to test it, found that the other comp loaded fine, but the monitor had no idea what was going on. Monitor was on standby untill I unplugged it from the card.
I had the Same Problem a while back when I bought a 5200u.... Boot off the winxp cd.... it will ask you to do an will scan for previous installs and find this point it will ask you if you want to do a repair on that installation...tell it will run a repair and you will have resoved the Issue......
Originally posted by Mekanic01
Read the first post.

you assume that the user knows how to get to the f8 start up menu... he might just mean the OS didn't give him the option to get to safe mode.

and if that's the case, hit f8 before the windows screen loads, and if it wont let you into safe mode you're pretty SOL.. i think there's a 'vga mode' as well, but dont quote me. That should work since it uses standard vga drivers.
I know how to get to safe mode, I tried that, but it would restart before going into safe mode.