Um, what's up with this batch file in my startup folder? points to FC: Blood Dragon

Enhanced Interrogator

Mar 23, 2013
Name of the file was fcbd.bat, ran at startup, here are the contents:

for /f "skip=2 tokens=3 delims= " %%R in ('REG QUERY "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ubisoft\Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon" /v ExecutableName') do (


regedit.exe /S "F:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\games\Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon\Support\inst\add_regs.reg"

what's up with that? Virus or something? Google search isn't returning anything.
Open up the "add_regs.reg" file that's in the folder in the last line of the batch file and see what reg entries its adding.

Considering it's coming from the "inst" folder (assuming 'Install'), it's probably part of an install script that didn't get deleted properly.
Ok, that sounds about right. Blood Dragon was the first game I installed when trying to figure out how to transfer Uplay games to a new windows install, and I had cancelled the download in Uplay before moving the folder. The add_regs.reg file just added some arguments to start the game in dx11 and english.

Thanks for the help
I'm worse. I would have wiped all my drives and reinstalled Windows.

Why? If I see files I'm curious about I do some quick Google-fu to see what they are. Same with anytime my anti-virus decides to toss up some new dumbass generic "virus".
Why? If I see files I'm curious about I do some quick Google-fu to see what they are. Same with anytime my anti-virus decides to toss up some new dumbass generic "virus".

Paranoid and don't trust things found on the internet. Actually I think of myself as overly cautious than paranoid. But I would have wiped and rebuilt rather than worry. I also look things up to see if it's a legit concern or not. But if I can't find it, then it's time to erase and start over.
Threat detected: uPlay.exe



If it were me, I would just search the registry, remove all related keys, remove any folders/files, check my running services/processes, maybe, MAYBE run a virus check if I was REALLY paranoid about it. Unless I though it was a nasty rootkit or something, there would definitely be no wiping of Windows. :D
Threat detected: uPlay.exe



If it were me, I would just search the registry, remove all related keys, remove any folders/files, check my running services/processes, maybe, MAYBE run a virus check if I was REALLY paranoid about it. Unless I though it was a nasty rootkit or something, there would definitely be no wiping of Windows. :D

When Uplay is detected on my system..

Okay, so i encountered the same problem. How did you get rid of that eventually?? Thank you so much!