Um, what purpose does this serve again?

they are for professional cad work or video rendering. where the project they do can chew thru 3gb or 6gb of frame buffer and don't sweat. there not really for gaming consumers. they are also where nvidia make a whole lot of their money.
This isn't a consumer device, it's for businesses who work with simulations, highly parallel operations, that type of thing.
they are for professional cad work or video rendering. where the project they do can chew thru 3gb or 6gb of frame buffer and don't sweat. there not really for gaming consumers. they are also where nvidia make a whole lot of their money.

This ISN'T a video card.
there not really for gaming consumers.

Looking at some of the pre-builts offered there gives me the impression that they aren't clear on that.

Makes me wonder how often people plunk down 2k for something that won't do em much good.
they are for professional cad work or video rendering. where the project they do can chew thru 3gb or 6gb of frame buffer and don't sweat. there not really for gaming consumers. they are also where nvidia make a whole lot of their money.
This ISN'T a video card.

sorry he right. I was thinking this was a quadro cards since if had a dvi output on it in the picture. my bad :(
tesla. simply explain back in the 8086 days( hope i not going to far bacl) there was 8087 co processor chip that added fpus to your computer system. this card a basically be used a fpu processor to speed up fpu calculations. but it will sit the pciexpress slot. not really useful unless you going thru some really highend data calculations.