Ultra X2 550W Fan cable voltage


Limp Gawd
Dec 20, 2006
I've searched and can't seem to find out whether the 3 fan cable that comes with the Ultra X2 550W is 12v or 5v, could anyone help me out here? Thanks in advance.
It's supposed to be 12V, but I seem to remember that some of them shipped w/ the connector wired to the 5V, causing fans to spin really slow (or not at all.)

Support replaced those with a phone call.
I've searched and can't seem to find out whether the 3 fan cable that comes with the Ultra X2 550W is 12v or 5v, could anyone help me out here? Thanks in advance.

For a few bucks, you could get a volt-ohmmeter (VOM) at Radio Shack or a similar electronics shop. That would tell you and a VOM is always a useful tool if you want to play inside computers and electric gadgets.