Ultimate External Water cooling BOx


Limp Gawd
Sep 5, 2011
Hey i was wondering if you guys think their is a market for external water cooling boxes. I have figured a way to do it cheaper and better than those koolance ones but im not sure if i should take the plunge and make it.

Any thoughts?

What kind of external? Desktop seperate usnit or ontop of the case?
How would it function? What is the basic idea/functionality...
How much cheaper?
What kind of external? Desktop seperate usnit or ontop of the case?
How would it function? What is the basic idea/functionality...
How much cheaper?

Its a seperate unit but in theory you could sit it on the case ;) It would function in much the same way as the coolance onehowever being quieter and having more radiotor surface I believewith the 240 version (yes I could also do 120 and 360 versions) u get something like 1440 mm cooling. Itcould probably be done for 6-700$ so still not cheap but I could do a 120version aswell if your on a Ritter budget.

For referance the kolance unit is around 1000$
Which koolance device? This one? (or this one). Those are pretty expensive for that they are...

It looks like from the bare parts it uses:

Pump: $76.99 (rebranded liang d5)
9x120mm Radiator: Pretty much a phobya supernova. $129.99
Resevior, $50
Flow meter $20
Control unit $150
Tubing $3

So there is a whole load of overcharging for the koolance unit :D

What do you mean when you say the 240mm version? and where does 1440mm come from? From the looks of it those koolance things take (low FPI looking) 9x120mm radiators.

need more rough details!

Would be much nicer in some kind of "stacker" form, where it sat on or under the case. That always goes together more neatly and takes up almost 0 space!
Which koolance device? This one? (or this one). Those are pretty expensive for that they are...

It looks like from the bare parts it uses:

Pump: $76.99 (rebranded liang d5)
9x120mm Radiator: Pretty much a phobya supernova. $129.99
Resevior, $50
Flow meter $20
Control unit $150
Tubing $3

So there is a whole load of overcharging for the koolance unit :D

What do you mean when you say the 240mm version? and where does 1440mm come from? From the looks of it those koolance things take (low FPI looking) 9x120mm radiators.

need more rough details!

Would be much nicer in some kind of "stacker" form, where it sat on or under the case. That always goes together more neatly and takes up almost 0 space!

I'll upload the designs today