UK Parliament Report Calls Facebook 'Digital Gangsters'


Mar 3, 2018
Facebook's stock price has recovered from a low of about $124 in December to ~$162 right now, which is about there the stock was in mid 2018 and early 2017. But if you think that means Facebook's bad news train is slowing down, think again. The Guardian says that a report from the UK government's Digital, Culture, Media and Sport select committee's 18-month investigation into Facebook called the social media giant "digital gangsters." Among other things, it accuses Mark Zuckerburg of "contempt for parliament in refusing three separate demands for him to give evidence," and also warns of the British government's vulnerability to manipulation by foreign actors on the platform. Other officials are reportedly calling for stricter regulation, and Damian Collins said "We should have a proper code of ethics, set in statute with an independent regulator to oversee whether the tech companies are complying or not."

"Democracy is at risk from the malicious and relentless targeting of citizens with disinformation and personalised 'dark adverts' from unidentifiable sources, delivered through the major social media platforms we use every day," warned the committee’s chairman, Damian Collins.
I know, That's why i am not on facebook, cyz i only roll with the best of guys.
Parasites ( like facebook ) i leave alone.
I really wish I could remove myself from the site but every time I think about doing that my family posts some awesome old school photos that hits me right int he feels. Damn them!
Democracy is at risk from the malicious and relentless targeting of citizens with disinformation and personalised 'dark adverts' from unidentifiable sources, delivered through the major social media platforms we use every day," warned the committee’s chairman, Damian Collins.

Thinking you're holier-than-thou by blocking speech is what will destroy democracy. Propaganda and "wrong" ideas falls under freedom of expression. What's the difference between a PAC spamming ads for their candidate and a government buying ads to do the same thing. They both can "lie" and spin truths.
Democracy is at risk from the malicious and relentless targeting of citizens with disinformation and personalised 'dark adverts' from unidentifiable sources, delivered through the major social media platforms we use every day," warned the committee’s chairman, Damian Collins.

Thinking you're holier-than-thou by blocking speech is what will destroy democracy. Propaganda and "wrong" ideas falls under freedom of expression. What's the difference between a PAC spamming ads for their candidate and a government buying ads to do the same thing. They both can "lie" and spin truths.

I love people deciding for me what the truth is on matters of opinion or spinning data to fit their narrative.
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It's the kind of crap that FB and Google are doing that will mark the end of an open Internet; that and spammers.
I don't much care for Zuckerburg, but I don't see how he is obligated to appear before Parliament. He's not a British citizen and he doesn't live there. I'm sure that there are plenty of things they can hang on him, but failure to appear doesn't seem like it should be one of them.
If the droves of people paid to maliciously spread misinformation with the express intent of swaying elections could give thanks for all the support, I'm certain they would. On their behalf, let me link you to a totally real article on a definitely real news site that proves George Soros and a bunch of illegal immigrants will be coming to take your guns on 9/11 of this year.