UK Online Pornography Age Block Triggers Privacy Fears


Aug 20, 2006
W-What if my fetishes are leaked for the world to see? That’s what porn surfers from across the pond are worried about with next month’s age block on pornographic content, which demands Britons prove they are old enough for porn via passport-verified accounts or paid “porn passes.” One problem is that a single verification company (AgeID) is behind it all; a single breach could theoretically expose all. “It might lead to people being outed. It could also be you’re a teacher with an unusual sexual preference and your pupils get to know that as a result of a leak.”

James Clark, the director of communications at AgeID, said its method of storing the login and password of verified users meant that “at no point does AgeID have a database of email addresses”, citing external audits of his company’s processes. “AgeID does not store any personal data input by users during the age verification process, such as name, address, phone number, date of birth. As we do not collect such data, it cannot be leaked, marketed to, or used in any way.”
“AgeID does not store any personal data input by users during the age verification process, such as name, address, phone number, date of birth. As we do not collect such data, it cannot be leaked, marketed to, or used in any way.”

I give it under six months.
Just like the VPN providers that claimed they didn't log anything, but were later found to be logging data. Can't remember who it was but remember reading something about it.
Torrent or use a VPN, Newsgroups etc. There are ways around almost everything. Where theres a will theres a way :D
I don't even know where to start with these UK headlines around this these days. Do I take the "you get what you voted for" approach? What about "titties are hands down the worst thing a 14/ y/o can see on the internet"? Or, what about the "just use a VPN angle"?

FFS, there are MUCH bigger fish to fry then underage folks looking at tits (who's tits ARE of legal age).
This is a good step in the right direction. Porn and porn addiction with increasing levels of pretty sick super hardcore video porn on demand are basically causing brain damage to masses of people. And to allow children access to this? I mean what's the average age a modern boy starts becoming a porn addict now? Twelve?

I say ban all pornography period. Get it off the internet and put pornographers in prison. But at least the UK is trying to do something about this massive problem.
This is a good step in the right direction. Porn and porn addiction with increasing levels of pretty sick super hardcore video porn on demand are basically causing brain damage to masses of people. And to allow children access to this? I mean what's the average age a modern boy starts becoming a porn addict now? Twelve?

I say ban all pornography period. Get it off the internet and put pornographers in prison. But at least the UK is trying to do something about this massive problem.


Was that supposed to be funny? If not, I suspect you have no idea where porn can even be found online and you expect to somehow magically remove it all? Nevermind, that is funny.
Yeah can’t wait to see how this database is leaked, people will soon find out their favorite pastor or preacher is into degrading amputee porn.

To the jacket above, if it’s not sarcasm then I say ban everything. What age are kids thinking killing is okay? 6? 7? Shit killing people is fine but nipple? Nipples are bad unmmkay.
Part of me says... wtf this is horrible, everyone will VPN around it, and UK just made itself the next country with a digital Great Wall. All in the name of "protection".

Part of me says... single company in charge of verification. What could possibly go wrong /s

Part of me says... eh, it's porn. Who doesn't watch a lil' porn now and then. When the inevitable hack/leak does hit, and 75% of the country is on the list... at least you will be in good company.
No not sarcasm or a joke at all. I spend a lot of my online time in online forums trying to help out young men who are struggling very badly with forming a normal relationship with a woman. And the number one problem? Pornography. Porn rots men's minds.

Also sure we won't be able to get rid of all porn. But easily accessible porn that children and becoming addicted to as pre-teens? Easy to get rid of that. Plus put pornographers into prison and problem is pretty much solved.
No not sarcasm or a joke at all. I spend a lot of my online time in online forums trying to help out young men who are struggling very badly with forming a normal relationship with a woman. And the number one problem? Pornography. Porn rots men's minds.

Also sure we won't be able to get rid of all porn. But easily accessible porn that children and becoming addicted to as pre-teens? Easy to get rid of that. Plus put pornographers into prison and problem is pretty much solved.

Ok so you are a comedian.

First off, put all porn producers in prison? You're going to get the ENTIRE planet to agree to outlaw porn? LOL

Second, porn could not be eliminated or kept out of the hands of kids when it was strictly distributed in print format. It definitely wasn't any easier when it came to video. Now with the easiest method of media distribution in the world you're going to just magically make it all go away? Bullshit. The movie and TV industries are some of the largest on the planet with an absolute assload of resources and they still to this day even when piracy of their material is actually illegal cannot stamp out the easy access people have to pirated content. And you expect this to happen with porn on the internet? Hell, buying illegal drugs online and having them shipped to a recipient is still a problem that governments have not been able to eliminate and that required physical delivery of the product.

You can claim to be doing whatever you want, but you clearly have no idea how the internet actually functions and it's laughably similar to the insane thoughts the out of touch idiot politicians who come up with crap like this in the first place. Do you even know wtf a newsgroup is? That doesn't even require the "darkweb" you might have heard about.

Of all of the problems that the world could unite against, you pick porn as your crusade? At the very least you could go on about eliminating twitch thots.
No not sarcasm or a joke at all. I spend a lot of my online time in online forums trying to help out young men who are struggling very badly with forming a normal relationship with a woman. And the number one problem? Pornography. Porn rots men's minds.

Also sure we won't be able to get rid of all porn. But easily accessible porn that children and becoming addicted to as pre-teens? Easy to get rid of that. Plus put pornographers into prison and problem is pretty much solved.
If you think you're addicted to porn, you're an idiot who needs something to do with your free time.
It's like some broad saying 'I'm addicted to chocolate."

Furthermore, your post is sexist. We all know (thanks to leftists) that there are not any differences between men and women, therefore....saying that porn rots men's minds is sexist on several levels. Does it also rot the minds of those who identify as male? Does it rot the minds of genetic females who have transitioned to male? What makes people who identify as 'female' immune from the dangers of porn? More studies must be done!

Finally, why the fuck would anyone go to prison? Because you don't like porn? WTF?
No not sarcasm or a joke at all. I spend a lot of my online time in online forums trying to help out young men who are struggling very badly with forming a normal relationship with a woman. And the number one problem? Pornography. Porn rots men's minds.

Also sure we won't be able to get rid of all porn. But easily accessible porn that children and becoming addicted to as pre-teens? Easy to get rid of that. Plus put pornographers into prison and problem is pretty much solved.

Number one problem with kids forming relationships? Really? I would think social media addictions, the huge pressure kids these days have to feel "liked" online, and general detachment people have from each other are a bigger issue. Even adults have the same problem, any city walking around or on public transit everyone tends to be antisocial mindless zombies staring at their phone screens.

Lets not forget the huge rise in teen and millennial mental illnesses... rise in obesity rates, hypertension, diabetes, those are all above that on the list of problems kids face these days IMHO.
No not sarcasm or a joke at all. I spend a lot of my online time in online forums trying to help out young men who are struggling very badly with forming a normal relationship with a woman. And the number one problem? Pornography. Porn rots men's minds.

Also sure we won't be able to get rid of all porn. But easily accessible porn that children and becoming addicted to as pre-teens? Easy to get rid of that. Plus put pornographers into prison and problem is pretty much solved.

That might be the single dumbest fucking thing I have heard in years.
I think we are getting trolled.
If so, he's a damn good troll. he keeps up these shenaniganes in multiple threads.
This is good. Pornography basically causes brain damage. Children get addicted to porn at like age 12. I think porn should be illegal and pornographers should be thrown in jail but at least this might keep children from becoming porn addicts who can't ever form a normal relationship with a woman.
But at least the UK is trying to do something about this massive problem.

No what really happened was some dumb MP or two got boozed up and schmoozed by some company promising this as a solution to a minor problem (god knows in the UK we have some wayyyy bigger ones right now) and offered their kids some great job in return for 10's of millions of taxpayers money.

They know it will fail but there will be no comeback even though they ran off with X million quid.

Happens all the time. ID cards, refunding the money for the failed ID cards etc. etc.
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This is a good step in the right direction. Porn and porn addiction with increasing levels of pretty sick super hardcore video porn on demand are basically causing brain damage to masses of people. And to allow children access to this? I mean what's the average age a modern boy starts becoming a porn addict now? Twelve?

I say ban all pornography period. Get it off the internet and put pornographers in prison. But at least the UK is trying to do something about this massive problem.
More freedom is always the answer. Parenting, not banning all the things.
It's always those that are against something the most...that do it the most...and the worst...
Ban porn because it causes teens to not be able to form relationships?
Of course that's the solution.

Anything that prevents parents from accepting "parking kid in front of device" isn't a good parenting method, right?
What next? Video games? We had that already. Damn, people even wanted to ban books at some point.

This is stupid.

I found my dad's porn magazine stash when I was like 13... preventing teens from finding porn or having sex is a lost cause.
No not sarcasm or a joke at all. I spend a lot of my online time in online forums trying to help out young men who are struggling very badly with forming a normal relationship with a woman. And the number one problem? Pornography. Porn rots men's minds.

Also sure we won't be able to get rid of all porn. But easily accessible porn that children and becoming addicted to as pre-teens? Easy to get rid of that. Plus put pornographers into prison and problem is pretty much solved.

People with such extreme views usually turn out to be the biggest freaks of all.
That might be the single dumbest fucking thing I have heard in years.
Saw my first porn at age 6 I believe. Someone stole their dads playboy/hustler etc stash (one section was called 'bitchin' in the kitchen' lel!) and we used to bury it in various places around the school yard so teachers couldn't confiscate it. Eventually they got lost/stolen and some definitely rotted.. I turned out okay.
But can also see how it can make people disillusioned or disconnected with reality and some people get addicted to it. When I was in a very high stress period of work a few years back (with crazy hours) I started getting a bit too regular with it as well (even though I had a partner) and had to dial back. Some people don't have that self control.
Saw my first porn at age 6 I believe. Someone stole their dads playboy/hustler etc stash (one section was called 'bitchin' in the kitchen' lel!) and we used to bury it in various places around the school yard so teachers couldn't confiscate it. Eventually they got lost/stolen and some definitely rotted.. I turned out okay.
But can also see how it can make people disillusioned or disconnected with reality and some people get addicted to it. When I was in a very high stress period of work a few years back (with crazy hours) I started getting a bit too regular with it as well (even though I had a partner) and had to dial back. Some people don't have that self control.

Okay I can agree. However, too much of anything can be bad for people. But saying those people who think porn is the norm may already have issues (not glaring, maybe developing) about distinguishing fantasy from reality. I do not see this in young people, what I see is people not being able to form relationships because of dating apps.

My reasoning, these apps make people aware of all of those around them what they love and hate. With all of that info its very easy to swipe right and find a partner, now combine that with the first little argument/relationship trouble they have. It is very easy for either member to pick up their phone and see what is out there, even easier to know that you do not have to leave home to even find fun that night.