UK Government Plans New Legislation to Tame Internet’s “Wild West”


Aug 20, 2006
The UK is preparing a round of proposals for legislation that aims to make Britain the “safest place in the world” to be online. It is too early for specifics, but the laws are expected to “tackle bullying, intimidating, or humiliating online content” and possibly require the regular drafting of internet safety transparency reports to monitor online abuse.

Social media companies have already taken some positive steps to protect users, but the performance of the industry overall has been mixed, according to Matt Hancock. “The measures we’re taking forward today will help make sure children are protected online and balance the need for safety with the great freedoms the internet brings, just as we have to strike this balance offline.”
Reading the shit, it seems that social media shits being hosted in the uk or abroad will be asked to work to try and stop the poor kids from being bullied online and which will be a token bullshit law that will only apply after some poor kid who cannots takes teh boolyin nalongar hangs demself infronts ofa bus

Anne a outcry will be herd becuz nooz paperz create one n witch no1 but dem will b givn 2 shitz.

Or create a new law specifically setup for online booleez which will mean all teh bullies will turn on ghost mode and rape that way.


Not a fucking chance will bullying online stop, evar.

Similar to this I would think.

As usual, what america does the rest of the world follows a year or so later.

Hopefully social media websites die a horrible death in the not so distant future, as they only take up space when playing internets.
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I bet that North Korea is the safest place to be online but I bet you would have access to maybe line a dozen external web pages, or something like that. I don't think that the UK can top that.
UK slave state confirmed.

Who would've ever thought that a disarmed and docile populace would surrender to tyrrany so easily.
Not even a wimper. They just bit down on the pillow while the government has their way with it citizens. Can't really talk. USA going to be the same in 20 years. The way schools baby and pamper kids nowadays.
didn't you here? you need to be ID's to see pussy in the UK as well

Thats kinda a good thing in my opinion. Who would want the following to happen.

Imagine walking into a titty bar and seeing your 14 year old daughter strutting her stuff and swinging on a pole, and then seeing handfulls of dolla dolla bills ya’ll stuffed in her gstring because she had a fake id that said she was 19 years old when applying for the job.

Could be even worse, it could be your son on the pole, even worse than that, they could be cam whores for the entire internets sexual gratification because they didnt have to show id before prostituting themselves in a titty bar or cam whore website.

Fair enough, we all like titties n shit, but would any of you take your 11 year old son or daughter who looked 18 into a titty bar ? Seriously ? Shit, nevermind that last sentence, for a split second I totally forgot about the Cajuns.

Anyway, I very much doubt anyone here with kids would like their kids to be admitted to bada bings or camwhore.cum.

If they were admitted, I would be able to hear the drama from here, and they would in all probability sue the management for emotional distress caused to their kid.

You know what surprises me ? American weather, I thought American weather was winter all year round ?

I really didnt know millions of snowflakes could survive in the summer heat, well, we know atleast some of them dont make it.

Just to reiterate,

my previous post has links which show that the US has already implemented snowflake laws because their kids cannot play internets without hanging themselves.

No doubt nobody will click on them :)

But I will help the non link clickers.

And I quote.

  • State Law – Nearly all states have amended and passed state laws and legislation to address cyberbullying and harassment by electronic communications. Some of the laws rely on demonstrating ‘ongoing harassment’ and some have been introduced specifically to target cyberbullying and online abuse.
  • Federal Law – Currently no federal laws exist to specifically target cyberbullying, although abuse on the internet and social media can be considered ‘discriminatory harassment’ when the abuse is based on religion, age, national origin, race, color or sex.

I was going to say “the irony”, but I decided against it.

I will however say that its fucking dumb to make internet laws, no matter what country does it, its fucking dumb and will fail before they get passed day 1.


Dolla dolla bills ya’ll
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UK chomping at the bit to play their favorite game, "Let's censor somebody". (just kidding)
Think the UK has bigger fish to fry. How about you focus on stopping the knife & car attacks first? Or do those problems get your officials elected too?
Thats kinda a good thing in my opinion. Who would want the following to happen.

Imagine walking into a titty bar and seeing your 14 year old daughter strutting her stuff and swinging on a pole, and then seeing handfulls of dolla dolla bills ya’ll stuffed in her gstring because she had a fake id that said she was 19 years old when applying for the job.

Could be even worse, it could be your son on the pole, even worse than that, they could be cam whores for the entire internets sexual gratification because they didnt have to show id before prostituting themselves in a titty bar or cam whore website.

Fair enough, we all like titties n shit, but would any of you take your 11 year old son or daughter who looked 18 into a titty bar ? Seriously ? Shit, nevermind that last sentence, I totally forgot about the Cajuns.

Anyway, I very much doubt anyone here with kids would like their kids to be admitted to bada bings or camwhore.cum.

If they were admitted, I would be able to hear the drama from here, and they would in all probability sue the management for emotional distress caused to their kid.

You know what surprises me ? American weather, I thought American weather was winter all year round ?

I really didnt know millions of snowflakes could survive in the summer heat, well, we know atleast some of them dont make it.

Just to reiterate,

my previous post has links which show that the US has already implemented snowflake laws because their kids cannot play internets without hanging themselves.

No doubt nobody will click on them :)

But I will help the non link clickers.

And I quote.

  • State Law – Nearly all states have amended and passed state laws and legislation to address cyberbullying and harassment by electronic communications. Some of the laws rely on demonstrating ‘ongoing harassment’ and some have been introduced specifically to target cyberbullying and online abuse.
  • Federal Law – Currently no federal laws exist to specifically target cyberbullying, although abuse on the internet and social media can be considered ‘discriminatory harassment’ when the abuse is based on religion, age, national origin, race, color or sex.

I was going to say “the irony”, but I decided against it.

I will however say that its fucking dumb to make internet laws, no matter what country does it, its fucking dumb and will fail before they get passed day 1.


Dolla dolla bills ya’ll
Umm... The government is implementing an online age verification to view porn....

1) such things are easily bypassed (the present blockage of the pirate bay is trivial)
2) it is being managed by a massive porn company
3) cross correlation of data WHEN a leak occurs

What's this gotta do with a titty bar where you have to be 18+ to walk in
Just for information, this is a later step in net neutrality. When you ask the government to start regulating the internet, they start to find problems to fix.

Oh please. Not this fear mongering slippy slope bullshit again. This is as retarded as other people saying the internet will die if there isn't regulation. Stop jumping to insane, the lizard people rule the world, level conspiracy theories for every fucking thing people.
No doubt it's the government's attempt to silence dissenting views.

They've done a pretty good job of ruining the BBC
Well, here we go V-chip. The UK seems to be determined to undercut even my lowest expectations of them nowadays.
Que the massive amounts of censored websites..... Its almost like they want to make everyone a criminal unless you roll over and just give in to everything they say.
I love to see huge amounts of money wasted in impossible tasks.

Shut up and pay your taxes or we will send the police to kill you!

Not even a wimper. They just bit down on the pillow while the government has their way with it citizens. Can't really talk. USA going to be the same in 20 years. The way schools baby and pamper kids nowadays.

Vote for me 2020, I'll put a spine back into those pussies!
online bullying...

thats one thing i have never really understood. In the real world like school, i can see how it is VERY hard to ignore, but online.. just go to a different place.
online bullying...

thats one thing i have never really understood. In the real world like school, i can see how it is VERY hard to ignore, but online.. just go to a different place.

Or just laugh at the idiots trying to do the online bullying. Then again, these snowflakes made in public schools can't handle taking care of their own problems.
Or just laugh at the idiots trying to do the online bullying. Then again, these snowflakes made in public schools can't handle taking care of their own problems.
Im just baffled at how much kids cannot handle now-a-days.......I got pushed around in school just like alot of other people. The one guy I finally told to F off and he stopped immediately....never had any problems with him again.