Ubuntu Server 8.04


Jul 27, 2002
I'm currently running a webserver with Debian "Etch" and it's been doing just fine. I keep reading over all the great features of Ubuntu server 8.04 and I'm wondering if it's worth it to make the switch?

Opinions? Anyone else running Ubuntu 8.04 server and happy with it? Is there any real advantage over Debian?
I'm running it, I doubt there are any big "features" over Debian that you're missing out on. I only switched to it from Gentoo when the DHCP client or something broke in my Gentoo installation, and I didn't have time to track down the issue or recompile everything for a reinstall. The one thing that's great about Ubuntu Server is how quickly you can get it installed.
If Debian is working for you I would stick with it. Ubuntu is based off it so I dought you are missing anything.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. :D

My server is still running FC6 :eek:


Bah I know a bunch of people running redhat 9. Hell I know companies that have old dos based novel servers in production as well as old nt4 boxes(I stay away from those places).

I know a company that has a system 36 in full production still. Yes I know they made them up untill lkike 2000 but this one is from before that. It is either a 5363 or a 5364(can't remember)

When I joke about it with a friend he threw me a 5250 Express PC Card which was a pc card for a notebook that emulated the terminals these suckers used and had the twin ex connector needed.