Uber Single reboot


Sep 24, 2003
Ive been having a problem with my new system rebooting ONCE before post, then proceeding normally on 2nd boot all the way into Vista with complete stability.

e8400 @4.1
G Skill 1:1 5-5-5-15 2.1v
150gb raptor
Corsair TX750
Watercooled CPU/NB/GPU.

Ive run stock clocks on the e8400, same deal.

It's not a pressing problem, but it just pisses me off.

Anyone know whats causing it? Usually we run into continuous reboots, but not this one. ALWAYS the 2nd boot is 100% stable.

Cold boot issues? Weird even if I shut my computer down and immediately restart it, same problem.

Thanks in advance,
Is your system rock solid once you are in windows? how about with games?
try updating your BIOS

Do u start the water pump before your start your PC? or after? :eek:
2.1[V] for that mem, that seems a little high IMHO, but what the heck
Does it only fail before post on a cold boot or does this happen on a reboot ??
If its stripped down to min spec does it still happen ??

I'm thinking it could be one of two things.
Either .........
A voltage rail dips as things like the drive spin up.
This causes the reboot.
Second time around as its spinning, the rail doesn't dip.
Or ......
Something delays the post sequence by not being detected right first time.
This causes a reboot.
Second time around, its ready, so computer goes to post.

At a pure guess its the hard drive as that part takes longest to spin up.
If you unplug the hard drive, does it post first time.

Luck ............. :D
I've experienced the same problem booting into Vista 64bit (installed on one of my 74gb raptors). The first boot up right after I come home from work (or when the PC has been shut completely down) will always hang. I hit the restart button and it starts up just fine and seems to be very stable. Not a big issue, but very annoying.

On the flip side, when boot into XP 32bit (installed on another 74gb raptor) I don't ever encounter the same problem.

Now, Vista has not always had this problem for me. I only noticed this starting to happen after I switched from 2x 1GB sticks of ram @ 1200Mhz to 4x 1GB sticks @ 800Mhz. Important to note is the fact that these were 2 separate brands/pairs of memory which I downclocked to 800mhz since the second kit couldn't handle the overclock.

I've really got no further evidence that the problem is a result of my memory (that's just when I first noticed it). But out of curiosity, how much ram do you have in your system and how many sticks are you running with?
This doesn't hang. It spins up and in a half of a second its down again. No post no video at all. The pump is molex so it starts when I hit the power. The system is 100 percent rock solid after boot. Reboots are fine too. Its just from a shut down then start up. I thought about the initial power being insufficient but even if I start it up off a power down when the pump and drives are still spinning it does it.
Sorry on My phone so I can't edit well. I'm running 4gb in a 2x2 config.
Don't worry about it. The explanation I've always heard is just that Intel chipsets often do this. It's never caused a problem.
Well its not a grounding problem because it does it out of My case.

I just ordered another x38 mobo, a 9450, and a 4870. If that system does it then ill agree with the previous poster. I personally don't think Intel chisets just *do it*
This sounds a lot like the double-boot issue that plagued a few P965 and P35 motherboards. Usually a BIOS updates clears it up. But a double boot is just an annoyance, not a major destructive problem.
Now there's an answer I want. Ill try a new bios. Anyone reccomend a version for the dfi x38?
Great call on the bios, no problems on three cold boots. Now I have to figure out how I had it at 4.1ghz. I'm at 3.6ghz which was enough for me tonight.

Man flashing is super easy, I didn't know that.

Do you guys recommend flashing every time a new bios is available?

Thanks for the fix,
Great call on the bios, no problems on three cold boots. Now I have to figure out how I had it at 4.1ghz. I'm at 3.6ghz which was enough for me tonight.

Man flashing is super easy, I didn't know that.

Do you guys recommend flashing every time a new bios is available?

Thanks for the fix,

You're welcome :)

As for updating the BIOs every time, my motto for my personal rig is "If ain't broke, don't fix it." Though I flashed the BIOs on the my bro's PC whenever a new one came out.