UAE, BlackBerry Resolve Dispute


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
RIM either has a lucky charm in its corporate pocket or its negotiators are magicians. The makers of BlackBerry have dodged a bullet again, evading a ban on services in the United Arab Emirates. Previously, RIM had successfully averted loss of service in Saudi Arabia and India.

The TRA acknowledged "the positive engagement and collaboration of Research In Motion (RIM) in reaching this regulatory compliant outcome." It wasn't clear what concessions, if any, the Canadian device maker made to avert the ban.
Probably the concession was to allow the UAE to track conversations going back and forth, where before it was encrypted and couldn't. The money that could be made there is worth more than any kind of moral higher ground in keeping privacy intact. :rolleyes: Which seems to carry no value anymore.
In other words Joe SaudiArbianPoliceOfficer can go through the phone directory and read anyone and everyones messages, looking for "indecent" behavior and jailing anyone more sexually promiscuous than a nun or rounding up any political dissident.

Great work, RIM. I'm sure the market will raise your value a few millions, come Monday.
Shrimani said he was not surprised the Emirates relented in the end.

A service ban "could have had a negative impact on their economy," he said. "So it really was in their best interest to stand back on this occasion."

I'm not surprised either. I can imagine the RIM negotiator saying something like "Go ahead, kill all of your business's smart phones."
In other words Joe SaudiArbianPoliceOfficer can go through the phone directory and read anyone and everyones messages, looking for "indecent" behavior and jailing anyone more sexually promiscuous than a nun or rounding up any political dissident.

Great work, RIM. I'm sure the market will raise your value a few millions, come Monday.

Now that this is resolved there is a good chance their stock value will go up a little.

Beyond that why don't you wait until a few more details come out before stating such extreme assumptions.
hopefully the religious police wont go through my emails and find my dirty pictures

hold on theres a knock on my door